
10 High-Vibe Affirmations To Help You Enjoy The Holidays - Featured from Daily Life!

Feeling a little ho-ho-humbug about the holidays? Maybe you’ve already gotten off track on your budget or diet or maybe you’re dreading some of the obligatory holiday gatherings? Whatever your current holiday status, we can upgrade it!

Affirmations are a powerful way to enhance your attitude and emotional state and they create lasting habits that allow you to fear hopeful and positive about life. It’s not just a thought that has no real effect on your future either.

Thoughts become things - quite literally. Energy flows where attention goes. So, let’s activate some holiday cheer with some ho-ho-hopeful thoughts and see what magic your own inner light can bring!

Using daily affirmations is a simple technique that packs a big punch. And don’t just take our word for it - science backs this up, too! I’ve personally used affirmations to manifest, change my attitude, and live the life of my dreams.

P.S. - There’s something really powerful about writing your affirmations every morning and every night! If you want to make your own affirmations, go for it! Here are 10 to inspire you.

10 Super High-Vibe Holiday Affirmations

1. There is something extra special about this holiday season and I’m growing spiritually each day.

Look at this time as one to go within and find more loving thoughts about yourself and others. Find a deeper soul connection by gathering in meditation groups, reading spiritual books and drinking herbal tea while writing in your journal. Maybe you want to look up your astrology birth chart or get a reading from a healer to make this holiday season magical and spiritual.

2. I feel great, I look great, and my thoughts are super loving!

Use this affirmation if you find yourself worrying about how you look or comparing yourself to others. Everyone has a natural beauty from the energy that flows from within. When you say this affirmation take three deep breaths and it will cue your brain to reset to a positive wavelength. This affirmation can help you love your body and help others feel better about themselves when they are around you which is quite a gift to give.

3. I am a soul spreading light, like the ones strung on a Christmas tree.

Each time you see Christmas lights, let them remind you of the light that is within you that can lift the spirits of those around you. Think of Jolly old Saint Nick. He is known for his cheer and he rewards those who are good. Have this state of mind and you’ll attract lots of positive experiences. You can always focus on this affirmation to raise your vibration because when you focus on an altruistic intention, your emotional frequency goes up. This will help you find new friends and connect with people in a loving way.

Check out 7 more high-vibe holiday affirmations on Daily Life!

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Source: astrologyanswers.com

Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/10-high-vibe-affirmations-to-help-you-enjoy-the-holidays-featured-from-daily-life/
