
8 Reasons to Pour Yourself a Glass of Wine After a Long Day - Featured from DailyLife.com

You’ve had a long day. Maybe your boss was on your case all day. Or it’s been a lot of life stuff.

For the first time, you’ve finally got the chance to sit down - a chance to breathe. And perhaps you pour yourself a glass of wine.

Guess what? That glass of wine isn’t only a stress management tactic after a long day - with regards to nutrition and health, a glass of wine a day offers numerous benefits.

Maybe you’re looking for an excuse. You’re hunting for something - anything - to justify your glass a day habit. It relaxes you. It takes the edge off. It gets rid of the anxiety that has been brimming through your veins all day. Sometimes, it’s just nice to sit down with a glass of wine after a long day. And we aren’t here to argue with you or judge you.

In fact, most of us agree with you. After a challenging day, it’s not a bad go-to!

If you need more reasons, we’ve got ‘em. Hold tight and keep reading.

Reason #1: A Glass of Wine a Day Reduces Your Risk of an Early Death.

In other words, you’ll live longer. Research claims it decreases your chances of dying young. It has protective effects against various diseases.

Yet, there is a fine line. If you drink too much, this benefit no longer exists. It’s a balance. Your liver has still got to get you through the rest of your life. You’ve got to treat it right.

So what’s the deal? How can drinking be good and bad?

Wine - both red and white - are high in antioxidants. During natural metabolic processes in your body, free radicals are produced. These free radicals can cause damage to your cells. But antioxidants prevent this from happening.

Thus, any food that is high in antioxidants is a vital part of your nutrition and health. They stop cell damage, deterioration, or inflammation that could lead to diseases, such as heart disease or diabetes.

But… your liver can become overloaded and overworked - that is if you drink too much. Drinking too much can cause irreversible liver damage. You could potentially end up with alcohol-related liver disease. And in severe cases, it results in death. 100% not worth it. Go with the cliched ‘everything in moderation’ approach. It really is for the best.

Reason #2: Moderate Drinking Makes You More Attractive.

Say what? Yeah, you read that right. Got a hot date? A glass of wine before or during the proceedings isn’t a bad call.

A 2015 study proved this. But it only - again - works with moderate consumption. No one likes a sloppy drunk (and trust us - your body won’t like you tomorrow either). Instead, stick to a glass a day or a few a week. It’s not just about nutrition and health. It totally works for bumping up your attractiveness - which we think is pretty cool. Go ahead: Pour that glass of wine!

Reason #3: Red Wine May Help You Lose Weight.

Why do all these sound so far-fetched? Is this even real? Yes, it’s real. Yes, it’s true.

It’s all thanks to a compound called resveratrol. And it’s in your red wine. Basically, it helps you burn fat. An animal study even showed that mice when given resveratrol gained about 40% less weight than their non-resveratrol consuming buddies.

Oh baby! Keep on pouring.

It doesn’t stop there! Check out 5 MORE benefits of drinking wine on DailyLife.com!

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Source: astrologyanswers.com

Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/8-reasons-to-pour-yourself-a-glass-of-wine-after-a-long-day-featured-from-dailylife-com/
