
Beneficial Thought: The Retrograde Journey of Venus Through Libra

We are in another retrograde season friends. Shock planet Uranus is retrograde, Mercury will go retrograde in a few weeks, and we also have the gorgeous love and money planet Venus in retrograde mode as well. The lovely journey of Venus retrograde is what we are going to talk about today. Feeling some money crunches? Is love kind of all over the place? You can thank your friend Venus for alllll of that.

Venus went retrograde in Scorpio on October 5 and tinkered about in Scorpio until October 31. Then her slow-mo period backstroked her into Libra on October 31, where she will remain retrograde until November 16. Love and money issues have likely been a little all over the map as a result, and maybe even a little intense with Scorpio in the mix. But by the time Venus works herself into Libra, even in retrograde, you’re going to find a lot more balance in your life. Venus retrograde is a good thing! Promise!

How the Venus Retrograde Journey Will Impact Your Life

Venus is the planet of love and money, and she is the planet that helps us to attract opportunities in these sectors. The manner in which she helps us to attract these things is ruled by the current sign that she is in. So opportunities when Venus is in Scorpio are intense, but intensely good. And opportunities when she moves into Libra are going to feel more balanced and harmonious.

Libra is good with money, so you may find yourself giving and taking to make things good in your money world. Libra is also very balanced in the relationship department. She is the relationship-oriented sign. And, as the Cardinal sign of the Air signs, Libra is the one that initiates balance and harmony and equity in relationships. No drama for this Mama! Solve it, and get ‘er done.

So what happens when Venus is retrograde? Remember that retrogrades are always about going backwards. The planet is not actually moving backwards, but moving slow enough that it actually appears to move backwards from where we stand on Earth. Plus, Venus is changing signs so there is some backward motion going on. Then she’s going to jolt back into direct motion for a couple of weeks before moving back into Scorpio on December 2. You’re going to see a lot of stop-and-go in love and money over the next few weeks.

Venus retrograde in Libra is going to bring some interruptions into something we have just started, something we had some flow on. In a love situation, we may be feeling the googly eyes for someone, and then suddenly something changes. Or maybe you planned a trip and then schedules change and it feels like the world is ending. Venus attracted this opportunity to you, so know that this is all happening for a reason. The opportunity hasn’t gone away - there are just some wrinkles.

Consider it like missing a flight under Mercury retrograde. You don’t get stuck in the airport for forever. It just feels like that in the moment. Hang in there for Venus’s little hiccups. Here’s a handy checklist that you can consider your roadmap for this bumpy Venus journey.

Venus Retrograde in Libra Tips

When any planet is retrograde, I always say, remember the “re” themes. Those are, any soul-filled concept that starts with “re”: Remember, review, reflect, refresh, recount, repeat, resurface, rework, repeat. Old flames are going to show up, or perhaps a past issue will repeat itself in your relationships. Money issues could repeat too. Reflection is key to getting through it all. Here are the good things to look forward to during this Venus journey:

  • Review. Good relationship stuff is on the way. There could be some breakups, but these will often bounce back. But you’re also going to see some stuff come up that makes you go Wow! There will be some folks that stick around in your life and likely some that won’t. The ones that you’re still talking to after Venus retrograde have your back. For realises. This is true whether this is a parent, friend, or lover. Whoever is willing to invest in you is going to help you get through this time. Venus attracts not just what she wants, but what you need as well. Nothing good comes easy and this will be a very revealing time for you. Embrace this time of relationship review and really take it seriously.

  • Repeat. This is a time that is famous for old lovers coming back. That’s all. Expect it. Do what you want with it. The issues that come with this are issues that you need to clear out of your relationship mantras right now. If love isn’t working, that’s because you keep repeating the same mistakes. When an old lover comes back, Venus is tempting you to figure out what that mistake is, and correct it.

  • Reevaluate. Venus is the planet of pleasure and Self-worth. We spend a lot of time indulging in things because it makes us feel good. Sometimes those things aren’t good for us, even though Venus helped us to attract those things. If this is an issue for you, experiences will crop up through Venus that have you wondering….is this really worth it? Reevaluate.

  • Resurface. Venus retrograde in relationship-oriented Libra can be a sad time for many, as we are reminded of our love problems. But we aren’t necessarily worried about the toilet seat being left up. We are thinking deeply about why we have problems giving and receiving unconditional love. So a lot of stuff is going to come to the surface.

  • This is a good Self-care time. Before you do anything in any of your relationships, work on how much you love YOU. Treat yourself, indulge, find some innocent pleasures that make you feel good and tingly down to the toes. You do you, baby. You deserve love and you deserve to feel good. If you are struggling now, it’s because you feel you don’t deserve it. You do. Learning to love your Self is the most important lesson in Venus retrograde. Whatever comes to the surface, just deal with it.

  • Relief. On a good note, Venus retrograde in Libra is going to bring a good sigh of relief. She is going to give us a break to really think about what is going on. When planets are direct, the events they impact are external. When planets are retrograde, we are doing a lot of internal thinking. Do more of this, and less of the outbursts of action. This is not the time to run out and get a ring to propose just because someone said I love you. It’s time to just enjoy that moment. When Venus is direct, and it won’t be long, you’ll know what to do.

Concluding thoughts…

Venus retrograde is going to be a little awkward for many of us. But it doesn’t have to be. Venus retrograde is all about going within and healing from within in order to attract wonderful opportunities when she turns direct. You can make great strides to heal thy Self during this time, and experience much more satisfying rewards after.

Review. Repeat. Resurface. Reevaluate. Relief.

When you realize the power you have at your disposal to attract change in your life, healing begins and that is very attractive. In kind, Universe allows you to become the attraction magnet you are, in the areas of both love and money.

Related Article: A Guide to Astrology Signs & Planetary Retrogrades

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Source: astrologyanswers.com

Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/beneficial-thought-the-retrograde-journey-of-venus-through-libra/
