It is hard to believe, but it’s that time again! Full Moon time! This Full Moon zone is slightly more powerful than the last, but not quite as powerful as the eclipse season we were socked with in the middle of winter.
This a Supermoon, which means it’s just a little bit closer to the Earth than usual.
That means its effects and impacts are going to be a little more intense than usual. You know what they say, March either goes in like a lion and out like a lamb, or the other way around. This time around, you get to decide.
It’s time to close some big chapters and navigate some big changes. Of course, we are always wondering about how our love nests are going to build. But fret not. We are here to help.
Full Moon in Libra Themes
Here we have the glorious Full Moon wrapping up another cycle in our lives in the zodiac sign of Libra.
We have two different set of themes to work with.
First, we have the Full Moon themes, and then we have the themes that rule the zodiac sign that the Full Moon is in.
Libra is the Cardinal Air sign, and it launches the Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. Interestingly enough, our Full Moon in Libra arrives the day after the Sun enters Cardinal sign Aries, which marks the launch of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and the launch of Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.
See the synchronicities here? This always happens every time a season changes. The opposite signs work together to welcome a new era. with this Full Moon being a Supermoon, its effects are even more important.
Ruled by Venus, Libra loves all things in their world to be beautiful, peaceful and loving. Libra is also symbolized by the scales, and The Justice card in the Tarot.
There is no other symbol more perfect for balance-seeking, harmonious Libra, who does not like drama, and seeks the fairest solution in all moments of disagreement.
Full Moons are about closing chapters, finishing cycles, and bringing matters to completion and fulfillment. Two weeks prior to every Full Moon is a New Moon. In this stage, the Moon is at its tiniest sliver. During the course of those two weeks, the Moon waxes, or gets bigger and bigger until it is full, or as we say, a Full Moon.
By this point, as the Moon wraps up this cycle, so too do we wrap up cycles in our lives.
The Full Moon in Libra means we are wrapping up cycles related to relationships, harmony, and balance. We are seeking solutions that bring dramatic and tense situations to a close. It’s all about balance and completion. As we undergo the changes that every Full Moon brings, when we do so under this one, we must do so with this sense of harmony and completion.
In other words, freaking out is only going to make matters worse. It’s time to meet our partners half way on things, and take the diplomatic way out.
How Will the Full Moon in Libra Impact Your Relationship?
This is, of course, the biggest question we all have. Our biggest fear is, “oh great, now it’s all over, just when things started getting good.” This is just not the case. Relationships may end under the Full Moon in Libra, this is very true. If this happens though, this is the Universe telling you this chapter in your life is over, and it’s time to start something new and fresh.
Most relationships will survive this Full Moon in Libra.
If there are changes, you will be in charge of them, and happy with them. When you are liberated by changes, that is the Universe telling you that you did the right thing. So it’s important to be liberated by the changes. Look for that flow, which comes in the form of that aaaaahhhh sense of relief.
What will happen is a period of change, which freaks many people out, especially Fixed signs like Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius. The changes coming under this Full Moon are also not going to be as emotional as they often are in relationships.
We’re finding diplomatic solutions, and each one will end a cycle or bring an issue to fulfillment. This can be a good thing! For example, if you’ve been struggling with a period of silence in your current relationship, the Full Moon in Libra could bring that to an end. That will be a good thing, of course!
If an everyday matter has been vexing your couplehood, the Full Moon could wrap that up for you too. This Full Moon is all about resolutions and finding the ones to bring balance and diplomacy. It’s all about relating.
Your Full Moon in Libra Relationship Checklist
The key to navigating the changes that the Full Moon will bring is to harness the themes of Venus-ruled Libra. Be the bigger person. Balance. Harmony. Moderation. Beauty. Justice. Remember these things, and all of your Full Moon wishes will come true. Here are the only three things you need to keep in mind during this time.
When you do, you will come out with a relationship intact and probably even more beautiful than it was before.
- Do not engage.
We are still under some Aries energy, and this Full Moon is opposite Aries’ Sun. Aries is a warrior. A lot of people want to pick fights right now. Don’t do it. The effects of a warpath will last for some time, but so too will the memory of you being the diplomatic person.
Grace and elegance.
This is along the lines of not engaging in drama or fights that partners want to pick. Libra is one of the most graceful zodiac signs. This is the person who smiles tightly at the dinner party where one of the guests is passing gas and laughing hysterically. You want to be the one smiling and not saying or doing anything. Grace and elegance.
- Relate.
The key word to relationships is ‘relate.’ Problems happen in relationships. How much do you care about your partner? Do you want them to be happy or do you want to be right? Right-fighting under the Full Moon in Libra could end your relationship. Choose ‘relate’ instead.
Sit down with your partner and use phrases like, “I don’t understand why this means so much to you. Can you help me to understand?” Just relate to them. Not only will it mean everything now, but when they look back on this time they will think, “Hey, that wasn’t so bad after all! I feel so safe and loved with this person who means so much to me.”
Concluding Thoughts…
The Full Moon in Libra is a very potent Supermoon that will have a closing effect on relationships. Don’t freak out about that. This is your chance to put these things to bed for good. When you do, Venus-ruled Libra will charm your Full Moon wishes into coming true. What are your Full Moon wishes?
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