Everything is connected. To every element in our daily lives, we can attribute both an astrological component and a numerical component.
In many cases, numbers consume more of our lives than the stars, whether we realize it or not. We have a street number, a house number, even our kitchen table legs are all uniform in number.
Everything is connected and everything with a numerical vibration offers us something different in our lives. Every day of the week has a numerical vibration attached, and you can get your daily numerology or life path number right here to help you out with that.
Every month of the year has a numerical value as well. The month of May is the 5th month of the year, and that means May is imbued with the energetic frequency of the number 5. That’s one of the most fun numbers in the wheel!
Let’s have a look at what May has to offer when it vibrates with the themes of numerology – fun loving number 5.
The Numerology of Number 5:
The numerology of number 5 is all about fun, sex, romance, creativity, and true love. This is true of the 5th house in astrology, which rules the pleasure zones and our entertainment centers. If you look at your daily horoscopes and see 5th house activity in play, then you know you are in for some romance that day, that week, or that month.
These themes of true love, pleasures, and romance, are all themes in the month of May as well. But although 5 is known for these things, that doesn’t necessarily mean that these are the only things that 5 is about.
Number 5 is also about creativity, and is a true symbol in nature and art. Life path 5’s are typically very attractive, free-thinking, a free spirit, and also very independent. They are attractive and sexual beings because they are independent and because of this free spirit, and not because they are attractive.
They glow from within. They are a free spirit that feeds the world from the bottomless pit of love they have inside. This is why May is so exciting for us. Now it’s time to bring that love from within, and please yourself.
We spend so much of our years taking care of everyone else, when May and the energy of the number 5 arrives, it’s all about enjoying everything we have worked so hard for all year long.
What Does May Mean in Numerology?
We’ve just come out of the fourth month of the year, and that month was all about foundations and family. We focused a lot on the people and the buildings that mean the most to us.
But now, the dawn of Spring has passed, and we are already feeling the scent of the Summer months that lie ahead. May is sort of that in between month, where we wrap up many seasons of life, sports, and look ahead to more. We also have some long weekends in May that kick off Summer and give us a taste of all things fun. We start getting excited about kicking back and relaxing a little bit more in life.
That’s the vibration of the number 5 with May. This is the time of the year to really just kick back. When we do, we may even be a little bit luckier. The number 5 is the luckiest number in the chart. It’s flexible, it’s pleasure-loving, and it enjoys the little things in life.
That’s the energy we need to have in May. That’s the energy we are inspired to have. And that’s the energy we should follow.
Let your hair down a little bit. We’ve just come out of some dark and Winter months, and have had a lot of time for serious times, serious talks, and serious responsibilities. Now, it’s time to enjoy some of the fruits of our labors and just live a little.
How are you going to live a little?
Concluding Thoughts…
The number 5 in numerology is all about enjoying life’s little pleasures, and so is the month of May! Wedding and bridal shower season is upon us, and so are graduations, recitals, athletic banquets, and more, and we are celebrating the accomplishments of our lives since last year. Even if we don’t have any of these events coming up, we still want to spend more time outside just enjoying the Sun, love, and all that life has to offer. If you haven’t started that yet, now you have permission to with May’s numerology vibrating at the frequency of number 5.
What is the first fun thing on your agenda this May?
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Source: astrologyanswers.com
Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/numerology-the-number-5-what-may-means/
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