
Winter Solstice Astrology 2018: A Rebirth

Friday, December 21st is the Winter Solstice! Find out what to expect and what it means now so you can navigate your shifting mental arena and win at the game of life.

The Winter Solstice, in most people’s minds, is just a time when the night is longest and the day is shortest, marking the time when the days will begin to get longer again. But the Winter Solstice is, astrologically, much more than that. First of all, we have the Sun moving from gregarious and philosophical Sagittarius to the hardworking and practical-minded sign of Capricorn.

Next, the Winter Solstice represents the energetic rebirth of life. Our energy can become lower in frequency in the colder months because it slows to allow us to relax and reflect. We rest in order to build momentum for the new year, so we can set our sights on new projects and feel ourselves grow spiritually again.

If you feel like you internalize the seasons, you’re right - you absolutely do. We are not separate from them, and when we start to feel a new surge of creativity or soul streaming energy, it’s often the rebirth of the Sun in our own psyche.

Here’s what to expect on the Winter Solstice, astrologically.

What the Sky Has In Store for Us on the Winter Solstice

When you want to know how things will feel on any specific day, look to the inner planets first. The Sun will be moving from a Fire sign to an Earth sign, so we may shift our intentions from expansion to grounding.

The Moon on the Winter Solstice will be almost full. It will be full the very next day in the sign of Cancer which is intuitive, sensitive and likes to cozy up at home. Cancer is sometimes known for its dependent tendencies and penchant for self-pity, so don’t get trapped feeling bad for yourself when Cancerian energy is heightened. Transmute that energy by focusing on getting your goals in line for next year.

The Full Moon brings things to fruition. Being the last Full Moon of the year, things you’ve been wishing for are likely to manifest now, if you’ve put in the work! A Full Moon is always an exciting day where we feel a boost of energy and confidence. This is the time that people get hired, get asked out dates, or finally express something they’ve been holding back. A Full Moon can trigger the release of pent-up emotions, so avoid reactivity or speaking without thinking so you don’t spoil the solstice milk. And remember, Full Moon energy is in effect two days before and after the Full Moon, so prepare to feel things a lot stronger thanks to that sensitive, empathetic Cancer energy.

By the time the Winter Solstice rolls around, Mercury retrograde will be over, but the post-shadow phase will still be in effect for a few more days - meaning you may feel a residual confusion when attempting to make decisions even though your energy is flowing easier. There’s a chance travel or communications will go awry because of this effect, so watch out. We recommend setting your clock five minutes earlier - Full Moons tend to make people late.

Mars will be in Pisces, which means we will be more indulgent, living in the moment, and wanting to follow our artistic intrigues. We may not be able to stick to a plan or rely on others to be that reliable today. Venus, which ended its retrograde and went direct recently in the sign of Scorpio, means we will be craving physical affection and focusing on romance!

Be your own astrologer - keep up with your daily horoscopes to see how these effects will influence and play out in your day-to-day life.

A Powerful Winter Solstice Ritual

What can you do with all this powerful energy on the Winter Solstice? This day promises new growth and a revival of our soul, meaning that you don’t really have to do much but listen and let the new ideas come into your consciousness. Allow yourself to sit in quiet meditation - make it a special one with a new candle, a beautiful spiritual song, and clean loose clothing so you can be comfortable. I like to take a shower before I meditate to clear my aura and burn some sage or incense to go into a deeper meditative state.

Clear your thoughts by breathing slowly and deeply and just allow yourself to sense what your heart is nudging you to do in the coming year.

  • What is your soul asking of you?

  • Are you on your path?

  • Are you unapologetically listening to your heart and where can you find inspiration on a daily basis?

  • Is there something your creative energy is pulled towards? How will your unique energy and personality bring more love and happiness to the world in 2019?

Write down whatever arises and don’t be surprised if it’s actually really a great idea! Trust what comes to you now, because this day is great for sensing a strong soul connection - it’s always there, but it’s much easier to find on days like this.

Make a vision board for your new ideas, paths, or goals and put it somewhere you’ll see daily. This will help you manifest your vision and stay focused.

Concluding Thoughts…

Why do we want to know what the planets are doing? Because when we break down our own sophisticated bodies, we are intrinsically linked to the planetary movements and our emotions, energy and psychological reference points are greatly influenced by the geomagnetic forces of the planets that have been observed to have predictable effects on everyone.

To those who think solstice traditions are just old wives’ tales and have no basis in the regeneration of the soul, pay attention to how you feel and see if it doesn’t feel like a rebirth in some area of your life. Why is it that so many cultures celebrate at this time, whether it’s Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, or New Year’s Eve? The calendar does not dictate our emotional states, but merely marks observations of how we are tied to this time-space continuum while in our physical bodies on Earth.

Related Article: Beneficial Thought: How to Use Moon Phases to Grow Spiritually, Every Month

Next Article

Source: astrologyanswers.com

Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/winter-solstice-astrology-2018-a-rebirth/
