How healthy are your relationships?
If you’re willing to dive more deeply into a difficult question such as that, you can find a lot of satisfaction in the March 20th Full Moon in diplomatic, relationship focused Libra!
Diplomatic Air sign Libra is all about getting along - it’s a highly social sign. Libras hate to be alone for long periods of time.
Appropriately, partnerships and identity are two points of focus during this time, and Full Moons are capable of giving us a significant push in the right direction when it comes to finding personal and emotional health in the way we work with others.
Let’s take a look at what the Full Moon in Libra will bring to our world!
Key Themes With Full Moon in Libra
Full Moons bring an awful lot of powerful, charged energy our way. As the Moon rules our emotions and our subconscious, this can be a time where our feelings dictate our reactions much more than usual. The Moon can sway our emotions, but it can also be a powerful chance for us to work on and use our intuition to best effect.
Libra is a Cardinal sign as well, and along with Aries, Cancer and Capricorn, these are the leaders and initiators of the zodiac. In Libra’s case, they have a powerful ability to bring people together.
Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, creativity, harmony and relationships, Libras do not like to upset people and are one of the most thoughtful of all the zodiac signs. Associated with the 7th house of partnerships, Libras are excellent communicators and terrific listeners - a fantastic combination when we need to face some tough conversations.
Libra is and in numerology, Life Path number 7 is thought to be a lucky number. This speaks to being more intuitive and contemplative, even having a higher awareness about them. (Want to reveal more about your own personality? Find your free Life Path number!)
The Full Moon in Libra could be a good time to identify the things that are getting in your way - and letting go of them. While Libra might have a hard time making decisions, they know the difference between right and wrong and have a firm grasp on their values - they just don’t want to disturb the peace or let anyone down.
Your Checklist for the Full Moon in Libra
• Full Moons are about endings
The light of the Moon sheds light on the most important areas of your life. With this Full Moon in Libra, relationships and partnerships are going to take front and center. This does not always mean endings in relationships, though for some, there will be breakups.
This instead means ending a way of doing things. So many relationships will see old habits dying hard, and even elevations to the next level. A lot of engagements, marriages, and live in relationships will start during this period. Any changes you make to your relationships right now have the potential to be epic, and life-altering under a Full Moon.
• Full Moons are revealing
Here’s where your intuition really gets a boost! If you’re paying attention, you will be given information to shed light on things that have been vexing you since the New Moon in Pisces earlier this month. The beginnings that you started there will have information and clarity come to them to breathe renewal into any area of your life. Emotional needs and wants from those near to you will be more clear, and so will your own. What just isn’t working for you? Have you been avoiding dealing with toxic behavior in a friendship, with a family member or a lover? Now is the time to face what’s going on and make the tough choices that will help you move forward in a positive way.
Libra is associated with the Tarot card of Justice - a card that is about doing the right thing. The Full Moon is a great time to consider what that means for you.
• Full Moons are excellent for cleansing
This is an excellent time for self-reflection. While New Moons are about setting intentions, Full Moons beg you to re-evaluate your status. How far along are you in the goals you set in the March 6th New Moon in Pisces? If you haven’t been working on them, what’s holding you back?
This could also indicate a time to further communication with someone very dear to you. Going deeply into your connection can be hard, but this could also mark a breakthrough in your partnership if you can keep your best interests in mind and play fair.
Ask yourself:
- What can I do to change this relationship for the better?
- What is this other person in my life experiencing in this situation, that I need to understand better?
- How can I change this partnership for the better?
Many healers also recommend this time as best for cleansing your crystals - the powerful moonlight has a positive effect and can charge these tools for maximum benefit.
For more ideas on how to maximize the power and influence the Full Moon has on us as well as on crystal cleansing, check out our article on Moon cycles and manifesting our resolutions (Not just for New Year’s!). Expert astrologer Jennifer Racioppi also has a great article on Moon rituals and manifesting.
The Full Moon in Libra can be a cosmic and karmic journey that has the power to change your life - if you want it to.
One key area to target during this event swirls around your emotional baggage. How much farther do you want to carry it? Or, do you want to drop it like a hot potato? (Hint, pick that former option.) If you don’t like what you’ve created in your life, cut it out now.
Why muddle your mind with waffling or confusion? Follow your heart and your instinct and leave that baggage on the curb.
What are you going to eclipse from your life during this period? We can’t wait to find out!
Related article: What to Expect when the Moon is in Each Zodiac Sign
Editor’s note: This article was previously published April 12th, 2014 and has been updated for astrological accuracy.
(Photos by Kym on Unsplash)
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