On Thursday May 7th, we have a Full Moon in Scorpio - and this is set to be a very healing and compassionate Full Moon indeed!
The sign of Scorpio is one that deals with the darker side of nature. Ruled by Pluto, the planet which drags hidden things into the light for exposure and then works to transmute them into something positive, Scorpio is very similar to its ruling planet.
Scorpio people will experience life as a series of mini-transformations, which culminate every now and then into big ones. Intense, passionate and brooding, Scorpio is a sign that is will repeatedly face obstacles because it knows the only way to reach true fulfilment is to go through them, not around them. Likewise, Mars, the ancient ruler of Scorpio, gives this sign the warrior-like grit it needs in order to achieve this.
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What Does the Full Moon in Scorpio Mean?
So what happens when a Full Moon lands in Scorpio? In general, Full Moons are a time of very powerful guidance, healing and magic. It is a time for making promises to the self and others on a soul level and letting go of anything that no longer supports our higher purpose.
Read this next: Your Ultimate Guide to Full Moons
It’s an incredibly intense time and under the sign of Scorpio, this intensity is intensified! A Scorpio Full Moon will often result in facing the darker side of one’s nature and one’s situation, which is rarely an easy or pleasant experience.
However, on this occasion, there is a powerfully healing and compassionate theme attached to it as Mercury sextiles Neptune on the same day. This means everyone is more sensitive, more idealistic, more understanding and empathetic. We find it easier to put ourselves in others’ shoes and we choose empathy over judgement.
Neptune is playing an important role during this Full Moon in Scorpio. The Full Moon trines Neptune and this heightens our emotions and creativity, helping to reduce anxiety and fears.
This has come at an important time. Fear is common across the world due to the coronavirus and this Full Moon and its aspects bring soothing relief and hope to everyone.
Scorpio may be a sign that deals with scary things. But it is also the sign of a powerful healer.
4-Card Full Moon in Scorpio Tarot Spread
This Tarot Spread for the Scorpio Full Moon will focus on facing our fears. This is the gift of Scorpio – facing fears and transforming them into something positive. With Neptune’s benevolent influence, we will find it easier to face our own during this Full Moon and may find others are more willing to help and be sympathetic. Read on to discover more about this Tarot Spread which you can try at home!
Question: What fears do I need to release during this Full Moon?
- Card 1: A fear that needs to be released
- Card 2: How to release the fear
- Card 3: Obstacles in the way
- Card 4: Inspirational energy
An example spread is below so you can see how it pans out.
Card 1: 9 of Swords
The 9 of Swords is a card of worry and anxiety. This is a self-explanatory card that speaks of sleepless nights and anxious thoughts. The 9 of Swords can be a very troublesome experience for the person going through it. Often, the 9 of Swords relates to the fears that exist in a person’s mind. The person is usually able to break free of the fear if they wish to, but in this state they find it difficult to see a way out.
Card 2: The Fool
A card of the Major Arcana, The Fool as how to release the fear speaks of letting go and accepting what is. This is also a powerful Scorpionic theme – the understanding that victory comes through surrender. In this instance, surrendering to one’s situation does not imply weakness, it indicates strength. Trusting that everything will be OK and having faith in one’s self and in the universal energies is the way to release the fear of the 9 of Swords.
Card 3: 6 of Cups
The 6 of Cups is typically a sweet and nostalgic card, but in the position of an obstacle I would interpret it as ‘being stuck in the past’. The old way of thinking is no longer working. It’s time to acquire a new way of thinking that sets the person free from the mindset they are currently trapped in.
Card 4: Strength
This is the card for inspirational energy. The Strength card indicates the person has the inner strength to face their fears and conquer them. They have the strength to defeat the 9 of Swords and become the trusting Fool. The universal energies want them to know it is within their power to do this.
I would take a lot of heart from this reading. Two Major Arcana cards overshadow the two cards of the Minor Arcana, indicating the cards which will help them face and conquer their fear are powerful and that the person has the ability to triumph.
This Scorpio Full Moon, know that compassion, healing and inspiration are shining down from the lunar energies right now. With the current situation the world finds it in, we can take comfort from this. It’s time to imagine a brighter future.
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Source: astrologyanswers.com
Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/4-card-scorpio-full-moon-tarot-spread-facing-your-fears/
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