
Beneficial Thought: June 2020 Tarotscopes

You already get your monthly horoscope - but what can the Tarot reveal about the month ahead for your zodiac sign?

Taurus season encouraged us to find our footing yet again, but in June we find ourselves well into witty, curious, and cerebral Gemini. Sporting its Mutable quality, it brings with it the element of unpredictability and change, making the climax of June 2020 all the more exciting — or anxiety-inducing.

Whatever the feeling is for you, we’ve pulled one Tarot card each from the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana to find out what the energy of your June looks like for your zodiac sign to limit the surprises.

Use your Tarotscope to help you prepare ahead, or just take a peek into the future to quench your curiosities. Enjoy, and find your June 2020 Tarotscope below!

Your June 2020 Tarot Horoscope

Aries: Judgement (Reversed) & Ace of Swords (Reversed)

Slow down the decisions this month, Aries. With Judgement in a reversed position, it’s more likely that your fast-paced tendencies will lead to something bitter more than it would lead you to somewhere sweet. And with Ace of Swords in a reversed position, that additionally adds to the sticky equation of speed ultimately equaling nothing good.

This means that you may experience more restlessness than usual, but don’t let it get to you, because more important decisions and plans for the future are at stake (Which you already know). Stay cool, calm, and collected, and double the amount of time that you would usually take before landing on a choice this June.

Taurus: The Empress & Page of Cups (Reversed)

Your cup is empty, Taurus, and it’s time to refill. In April, you saw truths coming to light, conflicting facts, and noise from the external world being hurled at you left and right. So much of this past energy involved emotional drainage on your end, and it’s OK to admit that you need to take a breather this month.

With The Empress at play, there’s an indication that you may want to refill in the best way that you know how — a Taurus-style “me” time session or two. Spoil yourself if you can, and this doesn’t have to be with splurging your wallet away but in general, finding any and all creative ways to spread some self-love around your life again.

Gemini: The Moon & 10 of Wands (Reversed)

You’re on your home turf, Gemini — after all, you’re amidst Gemini season itself! While it doesn’t feel like everything will be crystal clear, it does seem like a lot of the weight you’ve been carrying around is getting released this month. Stress, unnecessary burdens, and lingering energy of the distant past is able to be cleared and totally out the door this June, which seems like something you’ve been wanting to do for a while.

Although what may come after is not yet decided with The Moon bringing some amount of emotional and intuitive uncertainty, the important part is to first get the path clear before attempting to see what lies on it. Keep up the good work and you will be rewarded!

Cancer: The Hermit (Reversed) & 4 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Careful, Cancerian friends. Many of you are going to attempt to re-open your energy to others and share the love this month, recognizing the needs of others and identifying that there are those around you who need some help. While this is admirable and keen observation, you have to be careful you’re not depleting your own energy reserves to the point of exhaustion.

As a born nurturer, it’s only natural that you would demonstrate this desire to help, but many of you are still innate introverts and need your precious alone time — so remember to give it to yourself!

Leo: The Sun & 7 of Wands

This June is one of hard work but smiling through it for you, Leo. Despite the trying circumstances that the 7 of Wands may bring, it’s clear that you aren’t going to allow the obstacles to harsh your upbeat summer vibe. The Sun shines upon you with a warm, joyous embrace, encouraging you and fellow lion friends to take upon a more childlike outlook towards things.

Remember that your joy radiates outwards no matter how much the heat is actually getting to you, and it invites others to cooperate more readily and see things from your perspective, so it’s a win-win all around.

Virgo: The World (Reversed) & 8 of Cups (Reversed)

With The World in a reversed position, this June it might feel like you’re miles away from where you need to be, but there are some things that can be done to take a few of the weights off of your shoulders, Virgo. The 8 of Cups in a reversed position indicates that this includes being very honest about what does and does not belong in your life, and being ready to let go of what needs to be removed.

Many of you might have been clutching too tightly to an old idea of what the future should look like, and it’s time to be flexible about where you are willing to see yourself go from this point on. Keep that reminder in your back pocket this June, and just be ready to flip your perspective on its head!

Libra: Justice & Knight of Wands (Reversed)

You should feel right at home with the energy of Justice at play, Libra, as you yourself are a very diplomatic and equality-seeking being. However, it seems more like Justice is here because you called upon it out of necessity, attempting to step back into a more balanced, centered energy for June.

This seems to be really good work, but with the Knight of Wands in reversed position here too, it’s important that you’re not attempting to do this too quickly or aggressively. While it might be anxiety-inducing in the moment that not everything is balanced or in order, it’s better to take things slowly and steadily first.

Scorpio: Temperance & 8 of Swords (Reversed)

This June is much softer and sweeter than the month before, Scorpio! Temperance shines upon you with a patient, calm, and steady glow, ready to help you move into a sweeter and more balanced mindset for this month. With 8 of Swords in reversed position, it’s clear that you are ready to let go of restrictions and not allow fear or external problems pin you down or slow your progress.

At the same time, the energy of Temperance isn’t going to allow you to jump right into everything and anything — the key is patience and accepting the present as it is. In freeing yourself of restricting mindsets and attitudes, you’ll be freeing yourself of many of your other problems in the process.

Sagittarius: Death & 2 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Change is still very much afoot for you, Sagittarius, as we saw The Tower in April shake things up for you very unapologetically. Now, Death is here with a bit more natural kind of change, which is something you look to be getting behind quite well, being the overwhelmed juggler in the 2 of Pentacles.

It might feel sometimes like you’re behind the game rather than in it and far from winning it, not being 100% where you want to be. But this June, try taking advantage of the momentum and shifts that Death brings instead of fighting it, and you might just feel more like your free-flowing, adventurous Sagittarian self.

Capricorn: The Emperor & 3 of Swords (Reversed)

It seems you’re putting the heartache behind you and taking up your throne this month, Capricorn! With The Emperor here to help you lead, it is likely that you’ll be able to take upon more of a leadership role in your life this June instead of feeling like you’re the one being led around.

While the 3 of Swords in reversed position could indicate that you’re not letting fear or heartbreak get to you, you have to be careful that this doesn’t lean into suppressing how you really feel. As much as it’s a good thing that you’re finally in the driver’s seat, you can still let yourself feel what you need to feel without fear of losing control.

Aquarius: The Devil & Ace of Wands

This June brings forth themes of intense light and dark for you, Aquarius, but you can handle it! This month, The Devil signals that people might tempt you with options that you know are no good for you, or you might see some tempting shortcut “solutions” to your problems.

In truth, it’s the might, light, and power of the Ace of Wands that will grant you salvation, but it means actually putting forth the effort and initiative necessary in order to access this block-breaking energy. Stay true to who you are and what you know is truly for you this June and you’ll be right on track with the light, Aquarius.

Pisces: The Tower (Reversed) & 9 of Swords (Reversed)

The Tower and the 9 of Swords are both no fun to see — that is, unless they’re reversed like they are for you, Pisces! It looks like you’re putting all the negativity to rest and refusing to allow yourself to be suffocated under the weight of stress or turmoil.

This June looks to be one of clearing, cleansing, and letting go of what isn’t working for you, which is of course good but still hard work. Remember to rest and take care of yourself in the process; otherwise, keep up the good fight — you’re doing an amazing job!

A Final Reminder

This Tarot reading is meant to be a light of clarity and truth into whatever situation you might find yourself in, cluing you in on some of the upcoming (or already existing) energies that you may find in June 2020. Remember that the power of free will and choice is still always yours, and use your Tarotscope as an extra tool at your disposal however you would like!

Still looking for more? Check up on a daily Tarot reading or try a free three card Tarot spread!

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Source: astrologyanswers.com

Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/beneficial-thought-june-2020-tarotscopes/
