As the crucial and confusing month of April has zipped by us with monumental speed - perhaps courtesy of Aries season - it’s now already time to see what the month of May has in store for you and the other members of your zodiac family.
As we ease into Taurus season, life may appear to be moving at a much slower pace than it once was for us as a wider collective, but it’s always worth seeing what it might be gifting your sign specifically!
We’ve pulled one Tarot card each from the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana to find out what the energy of your May 2020 looks like for your zodiac sign. Be sure to check out your Tarotscope for your Sun sign, Moon sign, and Rising sign for a more complete look at the month ahead (don’t know your primal triad? Get your free birth chart here!)
Enjoy, and find your Tarotscope below!
Review: Your April 2020 Tarotscope
Your Zodiac Sign’s May 2020 Tarotscope:
Aries: The Empress & 4 of Cups
Boredom looks like it may be striking you this month, Aries. Certainly, the slower pace of Taurus season is not for everyone, and it truly is often not for you, adventurous little ram! If you find yourself feeling stir crazy and a bit too locked into a specific place, mood, or environment, remember that you can find a lot of beauty, adventure, and new experiences within the same space, or even within the same objects that you see every single day. For the most ideal May, strive to find a little more adventure on a day-to-day basis without feeling the need for something new.
Taurus: Judgement & 6 of Swords (Reversed)
You’re being forced to face the truth this month, Taurus, and there is no real way around it. If you found yourself recently being swamped with conflicting facts and stories, confused with your current set of options, or at a complete standstill, worry no longer! May is here, and so with it comes your very own home turf - Taurus season itself. Particularly pay attention to what people say and how they act around you this month, Taurus; much of the truth is going to come to light very quickly, and what people show you about themselves is going to be very telling.
Gemini: Justice (Reversed) & Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)
Justice came up for you in April, Gemini, but it is now spun entirely on its head. The time for re-evaluation and a shift in previous plans of action is now. This May, you are likely to be faced with a series of your previous goals, plans, and thought processes falling apart or hitting various obstacles, and that’s okay. Remain flexible, keep calm, and remember that it’s completely fine to admit that you were mistaken about something and move forward in a different direction. Embrace your ability to adapt and change as a Mutable sign!
Cancer: The Sun & 7 of Pentacles
Last month was a definite month of planning and precaution for you, Cancer, and this month is still very much like that - but with a more joyful twist! While many of you will continue your planning ahead and careful consideration of the future, it seems that you’ll fall into enjoying that work much more. Finding little ways to keep the process of building, planning, and working upbeat and light looks to be your course of action, and it certainly will be a worthwhile one! Keep chugging along, and know that you’re on the right track this May.
Leo: The Devil & 7 of Cups
Watch out, Leo friends - not all choices are made equal. Many of you will be offered several opportunities and options this May that can seem tempting at first, but will only be wearing an appealing mask and nothing more. If you find yourself especially tempted to dig up the past, reignite old flames, or text someone from your distant past, do consider otherwise! While some of these choices can and will be rewarding, you’ll need to be willing to do the extra work to see which ones offer substance and which ones are empty promises in disguise.
Virgo: The Emperor & 10 of Wands (Reversed)
Hey, Virgo, don’t take on too much at once this month! You look to be stepping into a more confident, sophisticated, and poised stature in order to take some control over your life and place the power back in your hands, and that is totally well and good - but don’t forget that it’s okay to surrender control in some instances too. Even though you’ve taken the leadership role upon yourself in various aspects of your life this May, know that other people can still handle some level of responsibility and are willing to assist you should you need the help.
Libra: The Fool (Reversed) & 5 of Wands (Reversed)
We saw the clean slate that The Fool had brought you in April, Libra, but it looks like some things went awry in the process. While some of you may certainly have succeeded in stepping fully into a new journey, plenty of you are still caught up in old connections that really don’t serve you anymore. It’s time to let go of what once was and embrace the new. This might mean hitting block, deleting contacts, or even just unfollowing something on your feed that no longer meshes with the new you - but whatever it takes, make sure to protect your new path. You deserve the clean slate!
Scorpio: The Chariot (Reversed) & 2 of Swords
The tone shift from April to May is drastic for you, Scorpio - but that’s not so surprising, given that you are, after all, ruled by Pluto, planet of rebirth and transformation. This month, you may find yourself stripped of your typical resources, feeling left in the dark with many situations and confused as to where you’re meant to go next. Your intuition might feel a bit more distant from you than usual, as the clouds of confusion from the environment around you start to unsettle your confidence. Just remember that it’s okay not to know everything all at once, and trust that you’re still going to end up where you need to be.
Read this next: Tarot Numerology & The 2’s of the Tarot
Sagittarius: The Tower & King of Wands (Reversed)
Expect the unexpected this May, Sagittarius. While The Tower doesn’t always foretell a disastrous surprise, it can certainly be a bit unnerving to experience something you weren’t planning on seeing regardless of whether it is a “positive” or “negative” surprise. Just be careful that you don’t lean into aggression, frustration, or anger too easily whenever it is that this Tower moment comes about for you, as you are truly meant to overcome it - and you’ll need to be in your best frame of mind in order to do so! Take a few deep breaths coming into May, and embrace the challenge of change.
Capricorn: Death (Reversed) & 6 of Pentacles
For you, Capricorn, the month of May is likely to bring up recurring themes of give and take. Remember that what goes around comes around, and this includes empty promises! This month may be a bit of an energy drain on you, and we all know that you and other stable, wise goat friends may have some hesitancy to express your needs when you would prefer to play tough. If you know that you’re going to regret saying yes to someone later, don’t be afraid to set a firm boundary and honestly explain how you’re feeling. Honesty will be the best policy!
Aquarius: The Lovers (Reversed) & 6 of Cups
Miscommunication or even the lack of communication as a whole is no fun for a sign as communicative as you, Aquarius, but you may just have to grapple with it this May. If you find yourself feeling disconnected from your present connections, it may be worth looking into ways you can seek some comfort in past ones. This doesn’t necessarily mean reaching out to every burned bridge in the book, but it does mean that sending out a nice “Thinking of you” text or reminiscing with an old friend could be the refresh you’re looking for.
Pisces: The Hanged Man (Reversed) & Queen of Pentacles
It’s no secret that you’ve been in a period of pause and suspension, Pisces, but it’s just not quite done yet. Even though you may be getting tired of the same thing on repeat, it’s still worthwhile to go with the flow rather than attempt to run against the current. This phase will pass, but in the meantime, consider some ways that you can foster some comfort, stability, and warmth in this stationary position in your life. Little things can go a long way too! Light a candle, fluff up a pillow, and set up a nice bubble bath - it’s time to enjoy the pause when you still have it.
A Final Reminder
As we inch closer to the midpoint of 2020, it may feel like time is zipping by us at lightning speed. Keeping track of the energies that are uncovered through your Tarotscope can help you remain on track with your goals (or just give you the heads up for the month ahead, of course).
If you find yourself still lost, confused, or in need of a bit more guidance, feel free to pick up an individual free Tarot reading or even snag a deck of cards yourself!
Which Tarot Card Matches Your Personality? Take the quiz and find out!
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