Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of April 6-12, beautiful souls!
Heads up, this week could spell love for many of us and we will see people making bold public statements because of what is happening with Mercury, the communication planet. One of the big events this week will already be in effect on Monday with the actual event happening Tuesday, April 7. This is a Full Moon in the Air sign of Libra bringing our wishes to fruition and helping us release the energetic sludge in our subconscious. Libra is ruled by Venus, making this a lunation that can bring some love and romance into our lives. That same day we have three aspects that will make it a day of heightened energy.
One of the more subtle effects coming into play this week to be aware of starts on Thursday April 9 when Venus enters the pre-shadow of it’s retrograde (the official retrograde doesn’t start until May 13).
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April 11 Mercury enters the Fire sign of Aries which can make us feel more confident saying how we really feel. However, be advised that it can also make you a bit of a hothead (especially since the Sun is in Aries) so be extra careful not to react without thinking and if you’re worked up, take a few breaths before speaking. You can use this time to ask for that raise, ask your crush out, or just share your ideas in a more bold way.
Ultimately, this week’s astrology overview is colored by a desire for romance and repairing relations, strong energy to get things done, and the confidence to say what we want.
Planetary Locations During April 6-12, 2020:
• Sun: Aries (March 21, 2020 - April 19, 2020)
• Mercury: Pisces (March 16, 2020 - April 26, 2020)
• Venus: Gemini (April 3, 2020 - August 7, 2020)
• Mars: Aquarius (March 30, 2020 - May 13, 2020)
• Jupiter: Capricorn (December 2, 2019 – December 19, 2020)
• Saturn: Aquarius (March 21, 2020 - July 1, 2020)
• Uranus: Taurus (January 10, 2020 – August 14, 2020)
• Neptune: Pisces (Until January 2026)
• Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024)
Daily Snapshots for April 6-12, 2020:
Monday, April 6
Sun: Aries - We are energetic, confident and ready to get things done. We notice people really making headway on their goals and are inspired to move towards the life we truly desire. We have fun with our personal style.
Moon: Virgo - We are able to tackle many little tasks around the house with a sense of accomplishment. We look for ways to be supportive of our friends. We need to quiet the inner-critic.
Tuesday, April 7
Sun: Aries
Moon: Libra - The Full Libra moon brings love, an interest in beauty, and the opportunity to share ideas. We are open to see things from the other person’s viewpoint to help us mend our relationships.
Mercury (Pisces) sextile Jupiter (Capricorn). We can speak with charmed words that can create something in our careers. We are more intuitively able to attract opportunities and harness the resources available to us creatively to support our financial abundance.
Mercury (Pisces) sextile Pluto (Capricorn). We can think more clearly and without fear about our own patterns that block us in work. We may be able to use our negative emotions to fuel positive results and alchemize our pain into progress.
Mars (Aquarius) square Uranus (Taurus). We feel pressure from the problems in our lives and the world and want to break free of the repressive beliefs we have held or have participated in. Ideas that are revolutionary will likely pop up today in small and large scales.
Wednesday, April 8
Sun: Aries
Moon: Libra
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Thursday, April 9
Sun: Aries
Moon: Scorpio - We are feeling more sensual and want to know everyone’s agenda. We are likely to want to have intimate conversations or express our deepest desires.
Friday, April 10
Sun: Aries
Moon: Scorpio
Saturday, April 11
Sun: Aries
Moon: Sagittarius - We want to get outside and stretch our wings. We are looking to explore new ideas and possibly try on new philosophies. We feel a sense of responsibility to support the betterment of society.
Mercury enters Aries. We become full of confidence to speak our minds and must be sure not to speak before thinking as we may react too quickly. We are able to assert ourselves to expand our social circle and make progress in our careers.
Mercury (Aries) sextile Saturn (Aquarius). We can implement and communicate big ideas by harnessing pre-established systems. Watch as technology helps us solve global and personal issues.
Sunday, April 12
Sun: Aries
Moon: Sagittarius
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Source: astrologyanswers.com
Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/your-weekly-astrology-overview-april-6-12-2020/
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