Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of March 30 - April 5 beautiful souls!
Mars moves into the Air sign Aquarius to start the week encouraging us to be a part of the team and find new approaches. Then we have the planet of romance, Venus, moving into another Air sign, Gemini, on Friday heightening our curiosity for eccentric and fun experiences. With the Moon in a waxing phase, we will have the energy to continue kicking off new projects as it is a good time to harness our creative instincts.
The Sun being in Fire sign Aries compliments this building energy from the Moon to help us move boldly towards our goals and new ideas. Now that the planet of passion, Mars, is in a highly creative sign as well, we can expect ourselves to think and act quickly putting all the pieces to the puzzle together with a sense of ease and style.
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Are you focusing on your goals and keeping them at the forefront of your mind? With so much energy helping us charge ahead, we will either get swept up in someone else’s enthusiasm or carve out energy for our own.
The transit happening Sunday with Jupiter conjunct Pluto is helping you have better clarity and influence in your career so you can expand. Both signs are in Capricorn, which has to do with our finances, and this event kicks off a series of three that will repeat in June and November, helping you have a strong drive for success with increased influence.
Love is fun and playful this week before we have the planet of romance stationing retrograde next week when our bonds will be challenged and we will learn about how we love in order to improve.
Planetary Locations During March 30 - April 5, 2020
• Sun: Aries (March 21, 2020 - April 19, 2020)
• Mercury: Pisces (March 16, 2020 - April 26, 2020)
• Venus: Taurus (March 4, 2020 - April 3, 2020); Gemini (April 3, 2020 - August 7, 2020)
• Mars: Aquarius (March 30, 2020 - May 13, 2020)
• Jupiter: Capricorn (December 2, 2019 – December 19, 2020)
• Saturn: Aquarius (March 21, 2020 - July 1, 2020)
• Uranus: Taurus (January 10, 2020 – August 14, 2020)
• Neptune: Pisces (Until January 2026)
• Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024)
Daily Snapshots for March 30 - April 5, 2020
Monday, March 30
Sun: Aries - We are ready to go and want to take on new challenges. We are also uncensored with our thoughts and feelings. We feel like putting more energy into our personal style.
Moon: Gemini - There is a lot of interesting things pulling on your attention and you notice people goofing off more than usual. Use to-do lists to stay on task and follow through with plans so you don’t forget them.
Mars enters Aquarius: Passions become idealistic and you feel a strong desire to increase your independence. You may get bursts of energy and inspiration at this time.
Tuesday, March 31
Sun: Aries
Moon: Cancer - You’re extra sensitive today but use the intuitive energy to listen to your heart or help a friend instead of allowing yourself to fall into feeling like a victim.
Mars (Aquarius) conjunct Saturn (Aquarius): You can more easily see the timeline of how to implement your ideas. You have the passion to make big things happen and now you see how to also have the discipline and possibly what preexisting institutions or systems will help you launch your idea into something concrete.
Wednesday, April 1
Sun: Aries
Moon: Cancer
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Thursday, April 2
Sun: Aries
Moon: Cancer
Friday, April 3
Sun: Aries
Moon: Leo - We get a boost of confidence and may act out trying to get attention whether that’s in person or online. Make bold moves at this time because you’re extra charming.
Venus enters Gemini: We are ready to talk with strangers especially if they are cute. We are intrigued by people who have a different vibe and likely attracted to intellectually stimulating conversations.
Mercury (Pisces) conjunct Neptune (Pisces): Your mind will be barely present to the details as you explore your intuition and feel almost as if you’re living in a dream. It’s a good day to watch an inspiring movie or journal to capture creative ideas. You may be frustrated if you feel your mind unable to focus so just relax and let your soul take the stage today to bring spiritual insights without trying to escape reality.
Saturday, April 4
Sun: Aries
Moon: Leo
Jupiter (Capricorn) conjunct Pluto (Capricorn): We are likely to find hidden solutions to success in our work life. We may be able to really improve our situation and find luck with this transit series (there are three total). Your luck expands as you reveal hidden talents.
Venus (Gemini) trine Saturn (Aquarius): You may find your mind very stimulated today making it a great day to watch documentaries, read books, or write. You will find your muse to be someone compassionate, brave, and well-read under this influence.
Sunday, April 5
Sun: Aries
Moon: Virgo - We are more focused on details, getting errands accomplished, and taking care of loved ones.
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Source: astrologyanswers.com
Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/your-weekly-astrology-overview-march-30-april-5-2020/
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