Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of June 8 - 14 beautiful souls!
This week we have a waning Moon, which means we are entering a time of decreased illumination. When our creative spark is not at its highest, it’s easier to get daily tasks out of the way. This week is great for following up on the things that arrived during the Full Moon last week, and incorporating those blessings into our lives.
It might feel like there’s a lot to process after such a high energy Lunar eclipse, so take some time to integrate the changes and really allow yourself to go through the emotions.
What can you expect this week from the stars?
With the Sun still in Gemini, it’s prime time to do some fun summer activities that will allow that Gemini energy to get its playful fix. Go ahead and let yourself take a breath from charging ahead so hard with work so that you can make sure you’re doing what you really want to be doing, and enjoying the journey.
Gemini has a way of helping us get real with what just doesn’t fit our true nature, because it helps us stop caring so much about what other people think.
Read this next: A Chakra Healing Ritual for Gemini Season
Our relationships will be tested a little longer until Venus moves direct June 25th. If your tree of love fell over, look at why its roots weren’t strong.
We can learn more about what our relationships might reveal about ourselves, and what they are based on, with this planetary influence. The main takeaway for this week’s astrology overview is to be patient.
With four planets retrograde, you may be feeling like you want everything to happen all at once, but that there are delays. The delays are allowing you to be fully prepared in mind, body, and spirit so that the quality of your next chapter is as exceptional as possible.
Being in the middle of eclipse season between the Lunar and Solar eclipse can feel very heavy and intense.
Notice if you feel trepidation and work on replacing it with trust that you’re right where you need to be. You will go through this transformation each year and survive it, becoming wiser in the process.
Planetary Locations During June 8 - June 14, 2020
• Sun: Gemini (May 21, 2020 - June 21, 2020)
• Mercury: Cancer (May 28, 2020 - August 4, 2020)
• Venus: Gemini (April 3, 2020 - August 7, 2020)
• Mars: Pisces (May 13, 2020 - June 27, 2020)
• Jupiter: Capricorn (December 2, 2019 – December 19, 2020)
• Saturn: Aquarius (March 21, 2020 - July 1, 2020)
• Uranus: Taurus (January 10, 2020 – August 14, 2020)
• Neptune: Pisces (Until January 2026)
• Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024)
Daily Snapshots for June 8 - June 14, 2020
Monday, June 8
Sun: Gemini - You have a hint of genius mixed with the undeniable urge to explore your creative side. You’re peering into the looking glass of the Universe with new eyes.
Moon: Capricorn - It’s time to look at what your responsibilities are and take care of them to make sure you feel set up for success. You may be more objective and able to put your emotions aside. You’re likely thinking about long-term plans.
Tuesday, June 9
Sun: Gemini
Moon: Aquarius - The pain of the world is more apparent under this influence, but so are the solutions. We realize that happiness comes from banding together. We gravitate towards inspirational leaders under an Aquarius Moon.
Wednesday, June 10
Sun: Gemini
Moon: Aquarius
Review: What to Expect This Gemini Season: Communication & Connection
Thursday, June 11
Sun: Gemini
Moon: Pisces - You’re not sure what the phrase “hard work” means today because the music is so loud in your soul. Dancing is good medicine for times when we are feeling stronger than usual motivation to break the norm.
Make time to connect with others to feel complete today.
Transit: Sun (Gemini) square Neptune (Pisces). There’s a push and pull between our old ways of thinking and what is trying to grow in our hearts. We may feel like there is something just at the tip of our tongues which might be an answer to one of our deepest questions.
Let the ideas start to enter your heart only if they feel they are coming from a place of pure love.
Friday, June 12
Sun: Gemini
Moon: Pisces
Saturday, June 13
Sun: Gemini
Moon: Pisces
Transit: Mars (Pisces) conjunct Neptune (Pisces). Our passions align with our heart more readily today. We see how our creativity can best help bring peaceful vibes to the world.
We see that joyful remedies soothe painful perspectives. We want to come together based on our common and shared humanity to overcome bitterness and division.
Sunday, June 14
Sun: Gemini
Moon: Aries - It’s hard to be patient when we have this much energy. Get the energy out with a walk around the block or some yoga in the living room.
This can be a fun time for a little retail therapy or painting an uplifting colored accent wall. Notice that people are extra flirtatious.
What’s up in the stars today? Check your free Daily Horoscope - here on Astrology Answers!
Related article: Mercury in Cancer Love Horoscopes: Emotional Communications Matter
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Source: astrologyanswers.com
Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/your-weekly-astrology-overview-june-8-14-2020/
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