Welcome to the Waxing Half Moon in Scorpio!
You’re probably wondering what the significance of the Waxing Half Moon is (if you are not a total astrology buff). Also known as the First Quarter Moon, this is the Moon phase that appears a week after the New Moon where one half of the Moon is dark and the other half is light.
What Energy Does the Waxing Half Moon Have?
All lunar phases have their own special energies attached, and this Moon is no different.
The Waxing Half Moon is a time of decision-making. In the New Moon phase the week before, we set our intentions and plan for the month ahead. Now we’re in the stage of taking action on our plans.
The Waxing Half Moon requires some grit – it’s not for the faint-hearted.
This is a time of strength and determination, and seeing things through; it’s a time for pushing through fear and doubt; it’s a phase where we think about previous decisions, and how to overcome future obstacles.
Above all, it is a time to transform emotional energy into creative passion – which is what makes this Waxing Half Moon in Scorpio such a special one!
Read this next: What is Moonology?
Scorpio & the Waxing Half Moon
Scorpio is the sign of transformation, so if anyone can turn energy into passion, it’s this one. The energy of this Moon works very well with this Fixed Water sign because both of them share similar traits – overcoming obstacles, transformation, and careful, strategic planning.
So as you can imagine, a Tarot spread during this phase can be enormously helpful!
During this phase, Scorpio’s natural energies are enhanced. We find ourselves more willing to face challenges and unafraid of the dark side of life; we feel drawn towards creative projects which require persistence; we doggedly pursue what we want; and we encounter situations or conversations which force us to face our own “shadow side.”
Waxing Half Moon in Scorpio Tarot Spread
The kind of Tarot spread we’ll be doing is one which harnesses the energies of this Moon phase and helps us as we move towards the Full Moon.
At this point, it’s important to recall the intentions you made during the New Moon phase. It’s worth writing down the challenges and obstacles you face at this time. This Tarot spread will help you make the link between your intentions and obstacles, as well as help you find solutions to them.
Let’s dive into it!
Question: How Can I Overcome My Obstacles During This Waxing Half Moon
Card 1: The obstacles I face
Card 2: My strengths
Card 3: My weaknesses
Card 4: Advice to overcome them
Read below for an example spread, and then try it out yourself.
Card 1: 8 of Swords
The 8 of Swords as the obstacle indicates that there is a fear inside me which is holding me back. Swords are thoughts – the fear may be irrational or rational, but it is keeping me from pushing through the challenges.
Based on the obstacles you have written down, you will know what this fear is.
Card 2: Queen of Cups
As a Court Card, the Queen of Cups often represents a person, someone warm-hearted, giving and intuitive. She could represent someone in my life who can help me overcome my obstacles; or she could represent me.
In this case, if she represents me, I would take this to mean that I should use the loving energy of the Queen of Cups to push through the fear represented by the 8 of Swords.
Card 3: 9 of Swords
The 9 of Swords is a card of worry and anxiety. The type where obsessive thoughts plague your mind and keep you up at night. In the “weaknesses” section, the 9 of Swords indicates that I am allowing my mind to take control of me.
It shows someone who gets trapped within the web of their own negative thought patterns.
Card 4: Death
This is the card to overcome the obstacles and interestingly it is the card in the Major Arcana that represents the sign of Scorpio. Death represents the death of something to make way for something new – and better.
In the advice position, I take this to mean adopting a new way of thinking. This is because the obstacle is the 8 of Swords. To be free of the mental mind trap of the 8 of Swords, something needs to die so that something else can live. This can be a thought process, a negative thought pattern, or anything related to my mind which is holding me back.
As a Major card, the Death card holds a lot of power and is a clear message from the Universe. That change is necessary, but I am in charge of this particular change. It is up to me to take control of my unruly mind and find balance in order to overcome the challenge.
Harness the Lunar Energies
This Waxing Half Moon in Scorpio, harness the power of the lunar energies with this Tarot spread. Here you can delve deep into your own mind in typical Scorpio fashion and discover both negative and positive aspects of yourself.
Only by facing all sides to yourself can you find a resolution and, subsequently, reach your goals. The courage of the Waxing Half Moon and the penetrating depths of Scorpio work together to help you become the best version of yourself, and achieve your dreams.
Read this next: Astrology Answers Top 5 Tarot Spreads & How to Use Them
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Source: astrologyanswers.com
Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/waxing-half-moon-in-scorpio-tarot-spread/
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