
Do You Know Your Astro Houses? Wearing Masks in the 1st House

In astrology, your birth chart is divided into 12 houses. The 1st house reveals the initial impressions you make on others. You might show more of your Sun sign traits to those who are closer to you and who know you better, but your 1st house is what you let the world see.

You’ll find out a lot about your personality and your ego by studying what’s going on in your 1st house. Traditionally, the ruling sign of this house is Aries, and the ruling planet is Mars. It’s a Cardinal quality house and it belongs to the element of Fire.

The 1st House Holds the Rising Sign

The sign on the cusp of the 1st house is called your Rising sign, or Ascendant. This sign probably has more significance regarding your appearance and how you conduct yourself than your Sun sign does.

When you’re trying to make a good impression on someone - for romance, or maybe a job - you’ll unconsciously play up the good points of your Rising sign. If you have a planet conjunct to your Rising sign, it will have a major impact on your personality.

To calculate your Rising sign accurately, you need to know not just your date and place of birth, but also the time.

What sign do you have in your 1st house? Try our free Birth Chart Generator now to find out!

The 1st House Points to Your Family Environment

The 1st house represents not just your outward personality, but also the environment that you grew up in, the nurturing that you got to go with your inherent nature.

Do you ever hear other people describe you, and their characterization of you doesn’t match the way that you see yourself?

This discrepancy is because they’re seeing your Rising sign and what you’re projecting, rather than your core self as represented by your Sun sign. Studying the 1st house also helps you to understand your role in your family and perhaps even in your community.

For example, if you have an Aries Rising sign, you are likely an impulsive family member with all the ideas, always up for some fun and never afraid to speak your mind.

Read this next! The Secrets Revealed by Your Birth Chart

The 1st House Gives Insight on Your Personality

The effects of the 1st house indicate not just who you are, but also who you’ll grow to be. Remember, this is the house of self - your inner or hidden self, as well as the face you present to others. The 1st house is the foundation of your individuality, as well as being the starting point on your journey around your natal chart.

In the 1st house of your chart, you’ll find clues to your expression, your mannerisms, your disposition, and your general approach to life.

Understanding your 1st house will definitely provide some insight into how you are perceived by others a lot better!

For example, if you are a Taurus Sun sign with a Pisces Rising sign, people will most likely see your outward compassion, your sensitivity and your creativity, which are all Pisces traits. But on the inside, this may conflict with how you feel more reserved, your distaste for drama and your practicality - all Taurus traits.

What you feel your ‘real’ personality is inside may not be coming through, because you are more Pisces-like when you are dealing with people in the day to day.

You can use this to your advantage to counteract the more negative traits you might project.

For more examples of how your Rising sign affects your relationships, read What Your Rising Sign Means for Your Communication.

The 1st House Reveals the Mask You Wear

Even though the 1st house gets to the core of your being, it’s not the whole you.

When you understand your 1st house, your Ascendant, and any planets that are active in that area of your chart, you can use that information to put on a front. Your outer ‘mask’ doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

Everyone wears some kind of a mask at one time or another. There are parts of yourself that you don’t want everyone else to see, parts that you keep reserved for those closest to you. The persona that you create from your 1st house will serve you well. It helps you on your journey towards your authentic self and your true empowerment.

Do you resonate more with your Sun sign or your Rising sign? Should You Read Your Rising Sign’s Horoscope?


If you want to know more about yourself and how you are seen by the world, turn to your birth chart. The 1st house can reveal your Ascendant sign and some of the personality traits you will allow the outside world to see. The personality revealed by the 1st house can act as your ‘mask’ you put on when you are with strangers and acquaintances.

People don’t have to know you well to be able to pick up on these characteristics about you. If you are made aware of some of your behaviors and perceptions of other about you, it could be to your advantage to adjust any approach that isn’t serving you well to have a more successful, happy life.

* Editor’s note: This article was previously published April 9th, 2017 and has been updated for astrological accuracy.

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Source: astrologyanswers.com

Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/do-you-know-your-astro-houses-wearing-masks-in-the-1st-house/
