Mercury is leaving Virgo and moving into Libra! Mercury in Libra helps us focus on trying to be a little bit nicer in our communications (which we probably need!).
When is Mercury in Libra exactly? Mercury enters Libra on September 5, and stays until September 27, so it’s just over 3 weeks. Mercury does come back to Libra briefly in late October to early November, but that’s for Mercury retrograde - let’s not dwell on that drama right now!
Make sure to use the free astrology calendar to keep track of when the planets are moving signs (and going retrograde).
Breaking Down Mercury in Libra Astrology
If you were born while Mercury was in Libra, you have Mercury in Libra in your birth chart. As a Mercury in Libra native, you’re someone who strives to be charming, pleasant, diplomatic, and mediating in your communications. You can also see both sides to situations fairly easily.
On the negative side, having Mercury in Libra can make you extremely indecisive as a result, and can struggle with sticking to a decision. You may avoid confrontation, not wanting to get into fights and feeling like you always have to compromise your own opinions and ideas to keep the peace.
Don’t know your Mercury sign? Use the free birth chart generator to find out!
The Mercury in Libra man can be quite the charmer and have a way with words, and tries to be respectful. The Mercury in Libra man wants to be fair, but may sometimes play both sides.
The Mercury in Libra woman can be sociable and engaging, and likes to help others with their predicaments. The Mercury in Libra woman can take a while to make up their mind though, and can have a hard time sharing feelings at times.
Read up on: Personality traits of the Libra woman and Libra man
Mercury in Libra Meaning
Mercury is the planet of communication, showing how we express ourselves with one another. Libra is the sign of diplomacy and charm, and wants to keep everything beautiful and balanced. Put them together, and we have a period where communication is diplomatic and charming.
We can focus on being pleasant, polite, and proper while Mercury is in Libra. We may strive to understand what others are thinking, and this can make us fairer, but we can also take longer to make decisions since we want to consider every position first.
Check out: Up in the Air: Understanding Air Signs in Astrology
Now that you’re caught up on the energy of Mercury in Libra, let’s get to your Mercury in Libra horoscopes for the zodiac signs!
Mercury in Libra Horoscopes for the Zodiac Signs
If there’s something you need to talk about with the people in your life, Mercury in Libra may be the time to do it, Aries. You can find the right words to say, and can be more considerate with how it’ll impact others.
Try to avoid dramatic people and places, if you can. That’ll just make you more frustrated during this period, and lead to more problems for you that you don’t need.
You can have an eye for the details over the next few weeks, Taurus, and this can help you figure out what you need to be working on, how to get organized, and where to restore balance. You can tackle smaller projects, and this can calm your mind.
You may want to think about ways you can maximize your schedule so you can be more productive, and get more little things out of the way.
Your creative mind can soar with Mercury in Libra, Gemini, and you can enjoy focusing on creative pursuits. Let your creative energy roam, and see what new ideas and projects you can come up with that you thoroughly enjoy.
You can be more diplomatic when it comes to matters of the heart as well, and can be more considerate of your loved ones.
It can be easier for you to open up emotionally over the next few weeks, Cancer, and find the right way to make what you’re feeling heard. You don’t have to let emotions completely take you over though, and can apply some logic, reason, and analysis so you’re clearer.
This can be a good period to focus on projects and plans that you need to work on from the ground up, and gather information for them now.
Mental energy can soar while Mercury is in Libra, Leo, and you can come up with plenty of new ideas and plans. You can get excited about them, and can talk it over with people in your life to get advice and gather information.
You may be extra sociable and want lots of time with others, however you can get it. This can help you use up extra mental energy you have.
Your mental energy may slow down over the next few weeks, Virgo, and you can take more time to make decisions and come up with ideas or plans. You want to be certain of your position first, and you can take extra time to weigh all options on the table and consider the outcomes.
Taking a beat mentally can help you feel more balanced and restore some peace of mind, so try to detach and get a break when you can.
Mercury enters your sign, Libra, and this is usually a time when you have lots of mental energy, and want to take initiative to pursue your ideas. You can be excited about what you’re working on, and more open with others about what you’re doing.
You may seem more analytical at times, yet also more willing to take charge. You may want to try to get others on board, but that may be a challenge at this time, so try not to fret if you can’t.
You can do your best thinking on your own over the next few weeks, Scorpio, and may prefer to work on mentally-taxing projects and plans alone. The ideas and opinions of others may just slow you down or take over, and that can be an issue if you let them steamroll you.
The time alone also gives you the opportunity to replenish your mental energy, which may be a little low during this time. Dive into your subconscious mind and see what you can get rid of to free yourself up.
You can think outside of the box while Mercury is in Libra, Sagittarius, and come up with some new, unexpected ideas. You can be open to trying out what’s totally different and unconventional, and push yourself outside of your mental comfort zone.
You can gather advice and information from a wide circle of people, and focus on how what you’re planning can impact the future.
You can work on long-term plans for your goals over the next few weeks, Capricorn, and have a practical approach. You may succeed with a plan you’ve been working on for a while or see the culmination of an idea, and this can inspire you to keep striving for more.
You may find that talking things over with a mentor or someone you admire can be most helpful to you now, and you can craft even better plans from it.
Big ideas can come to you while Mercury is in Libra, Aquarius, and you can benefit from a view of the big picture. Your outlook can be brighter, and you can believe more in your abilities and in the plans you create.
You may want to give yourself more mental freedom during this time, so take some time away from work and duty when you can and let your mind roam freely.
Your outlook can be more serious over the next few weeks, Pisces, and you can tackle serious matters that require some complex solutions. You may want to work on plans for a transformation, and can feel up to the task.
You may feel more secretive at times with others, but can be more willing to share if you feel they’re also being open with you.
How Will You Use Mercury in Libra?
While Mercury is in Libra, Mars is also retrograde in Aries, the sign that opposes Libra. Mars retrograde stirs up some hot tempers and argumentative energy, so we may try to balance that out with Mercury in Libra right now.
Mercury comes back to Libra October 27 to November 10, and that comes with Mercury retrograde. Pay attention to some of the occurrences and themes that are prominent over the next 3 weeks since there may be some connection, or they may come back again with the retrograde. Use this energy wisely!
Related article: Balancing Crystals for Libra Season
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