
New Moon in Leo Tarot Spread: Finding Courage Within

When the Moon enters Leo, it’s already typically time to take advantage of this fiery, prosperous, and creative transit. Emotion can be heightened, our zest for life can be much more prominent, and suddenly the drama, color, and spark of the world seems to have been multiplied by tens!

But as the fortuitous New Moon in Leo approaches on August 19th, there is an even larger need to seize the moment and use this bold energy to benefit you in the best way possible.

Thanks to the confidence of passionate Leo, this New Moon may highlight any lingering inner feelings of self-doubt, giving you the opportunity to identify and rid yourself of these ideas once and for all.

You won’t want to miss out on an incredible opportunity to step into your more authentic, courageous self, thereby granting yourself the key to a multitude of blessings and opportunities.

Aside from whatever New Moon ritual you may have planned for the day, it is always a great idea to consult the Tarot for its input as well. We have crafted a Tarot spread for this New Moon in Leo so that you can learn how to best seize this beautiful day for yourself and your own unique needs!

New Moon in Leo 4-Card Tarot Spread

  1. What is the energy of the New Moon in Leo for me?

  2. What will it shed light on?

  3. What blessings will it provide in the long-term?

  4. How can I use it to step into a more authentic version of myself?

Below you can find an example of what the Tarot spread might look like in practice.

1. What is the energy of the New Moon in Leo for me?

4 of Swords

With the energy of the 4 of Swords at play, it may be a time for rest and rejuvenation more so than play and pizzazz. Perhaps this New Moon will allow you the time for beauty rest, self-care, and much needed “me time” in order to step into the confidence you’re looking for.

2. What will it shed light on?

7 of Swords

This is the ultimate representative of foul play. For many of us, it can be us at our lowest — tempted to lie, cheat, or steal our way to the top. At the end of the day, you don’t want to be involved in whatever antics are unfolding in the tricky and sneaky 7 of Swords.

This card may be indicating that the New Moon in Leo will help you identify any feelings of jealousy or ill will that you or others are holding onto, and let them go fully so that you can get your spotlight with only the best intentions.

Read this next: What it Means When the Moon Is In Your Sign

3. What blessings will it provide in the long-term?

9 of Cups

The 9 of Cups is the wish card itself — the full manifestation of our deepest hopes and desires. To see this card in this spread position would be very fortuitous indeed! It shows that you may very literally be getting your goals, dreams, and desires come to full fruition in the long-term.

This card additionally highlights the importance of believing in yourself and your dreams. Therefore, consider the New Moon in Leo as a cleansing of your negative beliefs or harmful self-talk that would get in the way of this positive outlook.

4. How can I use it to step into a more authentic version of myself?

The High Priestess

As an intuitive, honest, and highly spiritual figure, The High Priestess sheds light on all that can be really seen in a situation. She reminds you that the answers are always within, and that you know yourself better than anyone else.

At the end of the day, though, she is also a reminder that it is okay not to know everything right away. You are constantly in the process of creating and stepping into who you are every single day, so you don’t need to feel “complete” or “finished” in order to feel confident in who you are!

Keep in Mind…

At the end of the day, the Universe and all of its wild transits and Moon phases will never bring out anything that you are unable to handle at the moment. If you feel overwhelmed or confused by past insecurities resurfacing during the New Moon in Leo, take a few moments to recenter with your Tarot cards and know that all is being brought to light as it should be.

And, as always, you are only one card pull away from some extra clarity and guidance — your Tarot deck will be right there to walk you through it all!

Related article: What The Tarot Forecasts for Summer 2020

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Source: astrologyanswers.com

Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/new-moon-in-leo-tarot-spread-finding-courage-within/
