Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of August 17 - August 23 beautiful souls!
This week’s astrology overview has some big and exciting events. If you’ve felt like the energy this month has been a little too intense, this is the week in August 2020 astrology where you’ll start to feel more grounded.
We’ve had a lot of Fire this month with the Sun and Mercury having spent time in Leo. That fire was made even more intense because of Uranus moving retrograde. Uranus joined many other planets that were already in retrograde when this happened!
Sun in Virgo Calms Us Down
Now we can start to see where everything might be going, and be able to plan for the future in a more steady and practical way. The Sun moves into Virgo this week on Saturday, bringing some much needed Earth energy to our psyche. We will feel like we have a more firm grasp on things.
This week, it’s as if the Universe is letting us breathe a sigh of relief as the pressure starts to ease up. We aren’t completely out of the weeds yet though, as Mars will be moving retrograde next month, but as we enter into the fall, more planets will move direct, and things will start to even out.
Read this next: August 2020 Taroscopes for The Zodiac Signs
Capture the New Moon Magic
Tuesday is a New Moon in the Fire sign of Leo, and this day will have you feeling optimistic about starting new things. This could instigate big life changes as the confident and expansive Leo energy pushes us to see new possibilities, and really feel our full potential.
This is a great time to check in with how you’re using your personal passions in your career, or to ask the Universe to reveal how you could do that more. Perhaps you’ll come up with a creative new approach or try something completely new in this cycle. Write down what you want to work towards and you’ll likely see developments at the time of the Full Moon on September 2, 2020.
Time to Plan With Mercury
On Wednesday, Mercury, the planet that rules thinking and communication, moves into Virgo, helping us start to feel more organized and grounded. All those big ideas you had while Mercury was in Leo can now be put into action with the busy-body Virgo energy.
This week is a great time to pull out your calendar and map out your plan of attack to get where your fearless heart wants to go the most.
Overall, you’ll feel more optimistic and sure of yourself. You may want to use the Virgo vibes to take a look at self-care and make some minor adjustments to help give you the best possible energy. Be careful not to try to solve every single problem all once as Virgo likes to fixate on fixing! Let Virgo season be a time of steady progress and healthy habits.
Planetary Locations During August 17 - August 23, 2020
• Sun: Leo (July 22, 2020 - August 22, 2020), Virgo (August 22, 2020 - September 22, 2020)
• Mercury: Leo (August 4, 2020 - August 19, 2020), Virgo (August 19, 2020 - September 2, 2020)
• Venus: Cancer (August 7, 2020 - September 6, 2020)
• Mars: Aries (June 27, 2020 - January 6, 2021)
• Jupiter: Capricorn (December 2, 2019 – December 19, 2020)
• Saturn: Capricorn (July 1, 2020 - December 17, 2020)
• Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
• Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
• Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024)
Daily Astrology Snapshots for August 17 - August 23, 2020
Monday, August 17
Sun: Leo - You are trying new things and looking to socialize under the Leo Sun. You are ready to mingle, network, and expand into new territory. The Leo Sun helps you realize that you still got it, and can still grow and find new passions at any age.
Moon: Leo - You’re more outgoing than usual which you can use to mend some of the relationships in your life that just needed to be infused with some good old positive energy. Be sure to listen as much as you share.
Tuesday, August 18
Sun: Leo
Moon: Leo
Event: New Moon in Leo. You may feel a flood of new inspiration and ideas today. Capture them and choose which one or two will be your focus for the next two weeks. Maybe you get a really big idea that you can break down into smaller goals. Either way, you’re looking through the portal of your potential. Remember, “you don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
Wednesday, August 19
Sun: Leo
Moon: Leo
Ingress: Mercury enters Virgo. This transit lasts until September 2, 2020. We are thinking in terms of organizing our lives. We may feel more at ease once we literally clean out our closet, or get on top of all of our bills.
You’ll probably find people more helpful and look for small ways you can make a difference to help fill the gaps, and make a cohesive whole.
Review: Your Monthly Astrology Transits August 2020
Thursday, August 20
Sun: Leo
Moon: Virgo - Today is a great day to get things done around the house, and creativity may not be as high. Try to tie up loose ends or use this productive energy to do stuff now, and give yourself a chance to relax more this weekend.
Friday, August 21
Sun: Leo
Moon: Libra - People are very chatty today. You will have to watch out for people trying to prove they are right because they will be in the mood to debate. You probably feel like being with friends or connecting with them, so give yourself time to catch up with someone.
Saturday, August 22
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Libra
Ingress: Sun enters Virgo. All those things you’ve been putting off while having fun during Leo season will finally be easier to do, and more satisfying to accomplish. Cleaning up projects, renovations, and studying are easier during this time. You may be in danger of burning out, so be sure you channel some of your planning energy into your own health.
Sunday, August 23
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Scorpio - You’re likely trying to investigate under the surface of things today, whether it’s about how someone feels about you, or the truth about global events. You can also have deeper conversations today without feeling overwhelmed by them.
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Source: astrologyanswers.com
Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/weekly-astrology-forecast-august-17-23-2020/
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