Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of August 31 - September 6 our fellow astrology buffs!
This week’s astrology overview has three big events, which means we are going to have some fun, and get some much-needed new energy. The first big event on the docket is always a popular one, a Full Moon!
This Full Moon occurs Tuesday in the Earth sign of Virgo, which means we will likely see the cogs and spokes of our personal lives adjusted to better suit our personal needs. That might mean a new schedule, new tasks, or even a new project that will help you feel really purposeful.
Next up are two planetary ingresses, which means that two planets will be switching signs.
When this happens, the areas of our lives that those planets influence will be amplified through the lens of the sign they are in. It’s like changing the place you have your Christmas dinner. You might be getting savory Italian fish instead of spicy Mexican tamales.
Words Become More Beautiful
The first planet ingress happens Saturday, and we become a bit more sophisticated in how we communicate.
The words we speak are literally vibrations moving through the force fields that create the Universe. When the planet of communication, Mercury, shifts into beauty-minded Libra, we can speak more poetically and create what we want through that expression.
Libra can have us out and about talking to everyone, and this can be a really fun time to meet people (safely of course)! Mercury changes signs often, so take advantage of this energy while it’s here until September 27, 2020.
Love Shifts & Changes
Venus, the planet that influences the way we love, is also switching signs on Sunday, and it’s moving into the confident and extroverted Leo! When our love life has the bright fire of Leo influencing it, we can be sure sparks will fly.
Put on something that makes you feel like you can really be yourself and give yourself permission to take more risks in love. You can attract someone with these positive vibrations.
Manifesting Tips for August 31 - September 6, 2020
Keep an eye out for opportunities to come knocking Monday through Thursday, and when they do, use the rest of the week to incorporate these blessings into your life. This is a week where the Universe can really surprise us and reveal that our magic works. Allow yourself to walk through the door when it opens.
Remind yourself what you have been working towards and visualizing so that you’re ready for it when it does show up. Keep your vibration high and positive, and this Full Moon manifesting window of opportunity will be life-changing!
Read up on: How to Manifest Between the Full Moon & New Moon
Planetary Locations During August 31 - September 6, 2020
• Sun: Virgo (August 22, 2020 - September 22, 2020)
• Mercury: Virgo (August 19, 2020 - September 5, 2020), Libra (September 5, 2020 - September 27, 2020)
• Venus: Cancer (August 7, 2020 - September 6, 2020), Leo (September 6, 2020 - October 2, 2020)
• Mars: Aries (June 27, 2020 - January 6, 2021)
• Jupiter: Capricorn (December 2, 2019 – December 19, 2020)
• Saturn: Capricorn (July 1, 2020 - December 17, 2020)
• Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
• Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
• Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024)
Daily Astrology Snapshots for August 31 - September 6, 2020
Monday, August 31
Sun: Virgo - The Virgo Sun allows us to see where we can improve our processes in our daily routine whether it’s food, exercise, or our approach to tasks. We enjoy being helpful and need a way to contribute.
Moon: Aquarius - We just can’t quiet the inner voice that calls us today. We want to cut ties with fear-based thinking and step into our more courageous identities. The hero mentality is strong.
Tuesday, September 1
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Pisces - Fun beckons us from every angle, and there’s no denying the inner child under this influence. Indulge in music, food, and friends today.
Event: Full Moon in Pisces. This can bring some of the best times all year because Pisces helps us let loose and enjoy the moment. This burst of positive energy will have us engaging in loving ways and can really bring the things we have been wishing for the most. Capture the insights that arrive with this creative energy.
Aspect: Moon in Pisces (sextile) Uranus in Taurus. With spontaneous Pisces influencing our emotions, we are inclined to wander. Plus, the emotional Moon is harmonizing with rebellious Uranus in stubborn Taurus. With these two energies, unexpected and fun opportunities are likely to arise.
Aspect: Mercury in Virgo (trine) Pluto in Capricorn. We will be able to really get to the root of things in our conversations. This is a time to plant seeds that will help you in the long run, or resolve issues to help you move forward.
Read up on: Navigating Uranus Retrograde 2020: Restless Rebellions
Wednesday, September 2
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Pisces
Thursday, September 3
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Pisces
Friday, September 4
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Aries - The Aries Moon gives us the impulse to get up and go. Just make sure you consider your intention before acting so you arrive where you actually want to be.
Saturday, September 5
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Aries
Ingress: Mercury enters Libra. This transit lasts until September 27, 2020. Our thoughts and conversations turn toward justice, art, and social good. We are outgoing and friendly.
Sunday, September 6
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Taurus - Slow and steady wins the race under a Taurus Moon, and with the Sun and Moon in Earth signs, you won’t want to rush things today. Be thorough and think things through, and you’ll feel less stress.
Ingress: Venus enters Leo. This transit lasts until October 2, 2020. We want to find new playful ways of enjoying life and relationships. This is a great time to explore new activities with people so you can discover things together. The theme of sharing positive experiences will be easy to fall in line with.
What’s up in the stars today? Check your free Daily Horoscope - here on Astrology Answers!
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Source: astrologyanswers.com
Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/weekly-astrology-forecast-august-31st-september-6th-2020/
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