
Your October 2020 Tarotscopes

Are you ready for re-balancing, security, and charisma coursing through your being? With Libra season in full swing this October 2020, these are only a few of the things that you might expect to experience!

These are things we know to be true from past Libra seasons and how the energy of October usually comes through for most people. However, there are more specific ways that different signs and groups of people experience this crisp, fall-time energy. And as a result, the advice and methods that you might need will vary from person to person.

As helpful as it can be to keep track of the seasons of the zodiac, it can be additionally helpful to consult a guide like the Tarot for more concrete guidance.

With this in mind, we’ve pulled one Tarot card each from the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana for your zodiac sign for October 2020. Time to check up on your particular October energy, and see what the Tarot has predicted for you!

Your October 2020 Tarotscopes


Death (Reversed) & 8 of Wands

You may feel the urge to move things along, speedy rams, but not all is meant to be under your control.

With the 8 of Wands in hand for Aries this October, there is undoubtedly a desire to speak, act, and move with haste. You may feel a sense of urgency and an impatience. However, Death in reversed position signals that the time may not be quite right, and you may experience “random” setbacks at the hand of the Universe.

Let go of your will to control everything, and remember that temporary setbacks are just that — temporary. Deep breaths and patience are key.


The Hanged Man & 6 of Cups (Reversed)

Behind your cool, calm, and collected exterior, Taurus, a hopeless romantic lies within the heart of every seemingly stoic bull.

The Hanged Man is here to bring you a time of pause and reflection this October season, but the 6 of Cups in reversed position lends a voice of caution to watch where you allow your mind to run off to.

You often feel and think more than you let others believe, and this is true for this month as well. It might be a tempting time to reflect on past relationships in particular, and wonder “what could have been” or other “what if’s.”

Getting in tune with your emotional self is a positive thing for this October, but be wary that it doesn’t run off too far into indulgent fantasy. Let friends in on what you’re thinking for a semi-frequent reality check.


The Sun (Reversed) & Page of Pentacles

Last month was a bit of a wild ride for our Geminis, and it seems now that you are determined to put all in order.

You take upon the mantle of the Page of Pentacles — responsible, hardworking, and diligent. At the same time, the youthful and optimistic energy of a Page is still very well-suited for Airy, lighthearted Gemini.

Keep in mind, however, that all work and no play can quickly be a recipe for emotional, mental, and physical burnout and fatigue. The Sun in reversed position cautions all Geminis this October to make time for fun and play as well.


The Hermit & 2 of Cups

Have you been looking for a chance to breathe and enjoy yourself, Cancer? Well, it’s finally here!

The Hermit and the 2 of Cups may seem like an odd combination at first glance, but it truly means that all is being put in order. Internally, The Hermit brings emotional and mental peace, allowing you to balance your relationship with yourself. Externally, the 2 of Cups brings harmony in your relationships with others, and offers a chance at clear communication, blossoming love, and friendship.

2020 may have been a difficult journey overall for Cancerian energy, but your clean break is finally here.


The Devil & 5 of Swords

Alongside your patience, it looks like a variety of things may be tested for you this October, Leo.

The Devil brings forth temptation, struggle, and a need for inner willpower. For what, you might ask? The 5 of Swords clarifies that this month’s particular struggles may surround conflicts with other people — lying, shortcuts, defeat in competition, and jealousy all running amok.

Maybe this isn’t the brightest news to receive as you head into October, but now that you’re aware of what to expect, you can channel that strong lion from within and make proud strides as you head into it.

Don’t let them get you down, Leo!


The Emperor & King of Pentacles (Reversed)

It’s second nature for Virgos to take the lead and command control over projects, groups, and various work in their lives — so be prepared to do it again this month as well!

The Emperor foretells a strong inclination towards leadership and command, and in a very strong, powerful way as well. However, the King of Pentacles being in reversed position indicates that you may have to let loose a little and not stick to routine too much.

Not everything you face this October is going to have a cookie-cutter solution, so adaptability is necessary.

Otherwise, don’t be afraid to enjoy the control a little this month, Virgo! Lend advice, take on leadership roles, and speak your truth to those around you.

Related Article: 6-Card Libra Season Tarot Spread for Balancing


The Fool (Reversed) & 6 of Swords (Reversed)

In your home turf of Libra season, it’s go time for some serious re-balancing of your emotional and mental worlds. Your cards for this month are The Fool and the 6 of Swords, both in a reversed position.

We all know that of all the signs, Libra is one of the most inclined to want to see all sides of a situation and understand all perspectives involved. However, this can backfire if ultimately some relationships and situations are a lost cause.

This October, and particularly during this Libra season, you will be challenged with multiple “stay or go” dilemmas, and have to make concrete decisions about them without leaning into overthinking.

Hold on tight to your intuition, as it’s going to the biggest guiding light for you this October, Libra!


The Lovers & King of Cups (Reversed)

The focus gets turned to your relationships, and mostly your romantic life, for this October, Scorpio! You even have The Lovers in your corner.

You may feel overwhelmed and consumed by your emotions overall this month. With the King of Cups sitting in reversed position, it may feel like everything has come up at once, and you may not be alone in this experience — your loved ones may have this going on for them as well, doubling the emotional intensity!

You don’t have to suppress or ignore these feelings, but balancing this out with doses of lighthearted conversation, casual fun, and non-emotionally intensive activities can lighten the month overall for you.


The Star & 7 of Wands (Reversed)

For our adventurous archers, the path is clear in October, and it is time to enjoy it!

The Star brings a light energy of new beginnings, spiritual advancement, and open-mindedness. And while not everything may be exactly smooth sailing, the 7 of Wands in reversed position affirms that this month isn’t meant to be an uphill battle either.

This October is about staying present and being open to the possibilities of the future without feeling like everything has to be planned out.

Overall, Sagittarius, stay optimistic and don’t feel pressured to commit to one or two plans of action quite yet.


The Hierophant & Knight of Cups

Capricorn may be one of the most grounded and practical signs of the zodiac, but this October is about combining that with a more spiritual, emotional, and creative tune.

The Knight of Cups predicts an energy of creativity and spirituality being extremely heightened this month — and potentially a little romance action as well! To make things a little more comfortable for our routine-minded Capricorn friends, The Hierophant assists with channeling this energy into a more concrete, tangible way.

So, look towards creative crafts and projects, spiritual rituals and tools, and other things that can bring the intangible to the… tangible!

And don’t forget to have fun!


Temperance (Reversed) & Knight of Pentacles

There is steady progress and careful planning evident in the Knight of Pentacles, and the need for moderation is emphasized by Temperance.

For Aquarius this October, this may mean taking the vision down a notch from where it usually is. As creatives and big-picture thinkers, you may have the desire to think 10 or even 50 steps ahead from where you need to be. Especially during Libra season, however, baby steps are more than okay, and even necessary.

With both career and love and relationships, stick to your plans of action but don’t be thrown off if not all is aligning immediately.


The Tower & 7 of Cups (Reversed)

Chaos reigns this October for you, Pisces. Are you ready for the challenge?

The Tower can be either a welcomed or an anxiety-inducing sight, signalling that large charges, and usually in all realms of life, are on the way. With the 7 of Cups in reversed position, we can get the idea that this is most likely about options — who you choose to align yourself with, what jobs are for you, where you want to end up later in life.

Sometimes change is not the removal of options, but the difficulty of choosing from many!

Are Your Ready for October?

If you still don’t feel ready for this October, or Libra season overall, don’t fret. There are an abundance of tools and resources out there, including Tarot, and astrology of course, that can get you through whatever the Universe throws your way.

Your Tarotscope is a tool that you can return to at any time. Whether for self-reflection at the end of October or a mid-way reminder of what’s important, it will always be here for you to lean on.

Related article: Tarot Spread to See What the Rest of 2020 Holds

Want to see what else the cards have to say? Check in with your daily Tarot reading or try a free 3-card Tarot spread!

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Source: astrologyanswers.com

Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/your-october-2020-tarotscopes/
