Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of August 10 - August 16 spiritual warriors!
Uranus Goes Retrograde
The main event to be aware of in this week’s astrology overview is the planet Uranus turning retrograde in the Earth sign of Taurus on Saturday. Uranus helps awaken us to the truth, truths that are deep within us, and those we are ignoring about the role we should be playing to be a responsible citizen.
If you’ve felt like your mind has been a broken record, this shift will help change the tune.
Usually, this energy will compel you to get out of a rut by helping you see innovative ideas, and awakening you to where you have been sitting on the sidelines in your own life. This will help you take action, change your long-term trajectory towards something exciting, and finally feel the electricity in your feet to move as you see the old patterns that have been playing over and over in your mind.
Leo Energy is Heightened!
August astrology 2020 may be the most transforming month of the retrograde season because we are confident with the Leo Sun, and with Mercury moving through confident Leo helping us speak our minds.
You’ll notice yourself stepping into a new chapter, likely based on changes or realizations you made last week during the Full Moon.
We also have a waning Moon this week, making it a great time to follow up on details and get organized as we move away from the highly energetic Full Moon in brave Aquarius.
Love Is In the Stars…
When it comes to love, you can bet people will be finally going for what they want. Uranus retrograde allows us to get clear with what we truly want, and with Venus having transitioned into Cancer last week, we are going to see lots of people opening up to love and new relationships.
When we finally decide to be the most authentic version of ourselves, we allow ourselves to feel better and attract positive relationships as well. This new energy will help us do just that.
The Moon starts out in flirtatious Aries, moves into romantic Taurus, spends a few days in chatty Gemini, and then finishing the week in loving Cancer making it an excellent few days for love!
What else can you expect this week from the stars?
The theme this week is that you feel like you’re getting a wake-up call from Uranus retrograde. You’re feeling ready to really make this new vision happen.
We can expect the global arena to still be going through some changes this month, and the months to come. When Uranus stations retrograde, we will likely see people having to confront how their actions are affecting others, which ultimately presents the opportunity for change.
This can happen individually and collectively. We might see some odd declarations in the news as a result as if things aren’t already odd enough!
Planetary Locations During August 10 - August 16, 2020
• Sun: Leo (July 22 - August 22)
• Mercury: Leo (August 4, 2020 - August 19, 2020)
• Venus: Cancer (August 7, 2020 - September 6, 2020)
• Mars: Aries (June 27, 2020 - January 6, 2021)
• Jupiter: Capricorn (December 2, 2019 – December 19, 2020)
• Saturn: Capricorn (July 1, 2020 - December 17, 2020)
• Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
• Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
• Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024)
Daily Astrology Snapshots for August 10 - August 16, 2020
Monday, August 10
Sun: Leo - Big and bold are the themes under this influence, which means people are wearing bright colors, like a bird showing its feathers in a mating ritual.
We are also feeling more energetic, which allows us to do more things that bring us joy, instead of just barely getting through our responsibilities.
Moon: Aries - Please think before you speak! You might just put your foot in your mouth when both the Sun and Moon are in a Fire sign.
We may feel like we need everything to happen right away, so give yourself a chance to take a few deep breaths. Channel this energy into one simple step you can take to get closer to your goal.
Tuesday, August 11
Sun: Leo
Moon: Taurus - This energy helps you stop and smell the roses, literally and metaphorically. If you’ve been pushing towards your goals, allow this energy to help you take a break and enjoy things as they unfold.
Taurus helps us to remember to enjoy the journey.
Wednesday, August 12
Sun: Leo
Moon: Taurus
Read this next: What’s Your Dominant Planet? Pluto, Venus, Jupiter & More
Thursday, August 13
Sun: Leo
Moon: Taurus
Transit: Mars in Aries (square) Pluto in Capricorn. Oof. This can feel like heavy energy when it comes to people who don’t support our passions, or obstacles in our own minds we need to face. But when we do face it head-on to move forward, we will find that peace comes from trusting our heart’s guidance.
Don’t let people try to pick a fight over beliefs with you unless you’re looking for a dual.
Friday, August 14
Sun: Leo
Moon: Gemini - You could find yourself having conversations everywhere you go today, which is a nice break from the isolation we may have been feeling due to the global situation. Even if you’re home social distancing, you’ll likely connect with people online or on the phone.
Saturday, August 15
Sun: Leo
Moon: Gemini
Transit: Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus. This transit lasts until January 14, 2021. We may wake up to the way we want to live our life when something unexpectedly calls our attention to it.
The truth will be revealed, and our ego will not be able to rule our subconscious under this influence. We will likely evolve spiritually over the next four to five months.
Sunday, August 16
Sun: Leo
Moon: Cancer - Be careful not to start blaming people for the way you’re feeling today. Take time to meditate, and set your intention to fill yourself with loving positive energy.
Detach from any negative thoughts that might feel strong because of a Cancer Moon.
Transit: Sun in Leo (trine) Mars in Aries. This is a fun, harmonious energy bringing more focus on our deepest passions. If you had placed your passion project on the back-burner, you’ll probably want to make it more of a priority under this influence.
People will likely be really outgoing, friendly, and looking for love as well.
What’s up in the stars today? Check your free Daily Horoscope - here on Astrology Answers!
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Source: astrologyanswers.com
Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/weekly-astrology-forecast-august-10-16-2020/
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