
Weekly Astrology Forecast: November 2 - 8, 2020

As we finally move out of Mercury retrograde, we are marching directly into a month where more retrogrades will end, and eclipse season will begin!

This week’s astrology overview is going to feel like a refreshing opening as you can finally see things moving forward when Mercury stations direct on Tuesday, November 3rd. The good news is, the hardest part of your 2020 forecast is behind you!

Get ready for a positive turn.

The waning Moon this week welcomes you to close the chapters in your life that have overstayed their welcome. You’re becoming a wise one dear lightworker, and your old habits are a dying breed.

Spend some time in meditation this week, possibly in nature, connecting to the new you that has been birthing this year.

Don’t forget to catch up on: 10 Essential Affirmations for Spicy Scorpio Season

Love Can Happen this Week

Venus is transiting into the loving sign of Libra this week, making it a great time for love, romance, and deepening relationships.

Remember, sometimes ending something allows for the beginning of something new. And with the Sun in sultry Scorpio, people are certainly looking for connection right now.

Keep in mind, the last quarter Moon on Sunday can make you feel like it’s “now-or-never.” but don’t be impulsive as it’s just a temporary tenseness.

Overall, the week is relatively even-keeled energy that is building positive momentum. With Mars still retrograde, taking breaks to rest will help you manage your own personal energy moving forward.

Planetary Locations During November 2 - November 8, 2020

Sun: Scorpio (October 21, 2020 - November 20, 2020)

Mercury: Libra (October 27, 2020 - November 10, 2020)

Venus: Libra (October 27, 2020 - November 21, 2020)

Mars: Aries (June 27, 2020 - January 6, 2021)

Jupiter: Capricorn (December 2, 2019 – December 19, 2020)

Saturn: Capricorn (July 1, 2020 - December 17, 2020)

Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)

Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)

Pluto: Capricorn (Until January 20, 2024)

Daily Astrology Snapshots for November 2 - November 8, 2020

Monday, November 2

Sun: Scorpio - We are able to handle stress easier when the Sun is in this zodiac sign. This is helping us carry the load of 2020 with less strain. We also find deeper connections through conversation, studying, and investigating our own emotions at this time.

Moon: Gemini - The very curious Gemini wants to know everything and be everywhere at once. Don’t take on more than you can actually handle and keep your news intake to a minimal.

Tuesday, November 3

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Gemini

Transit: Mercury stations direct in Libra - Mercury will now be in it’s stronger post-retrograde shadow phase until November 7th and its weaker post-shadow phase until November 19th.

Communication will clear up and debates will happen until next Tuesday, November 10th when Mercury moves into Scorpio.

Learn more about the Mercury retrograde shadow: What You Didn’t Know About the Pre-Shadow & Post-Shadow Periods of Mercury Retrograde

Wednesday, November 4

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Gemini

Thursday, November 5

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Cancer - Emotions are stronger when the Sun and Moon are in a Water sign and so is intuition. This is a day to go slow, let yourself experience your emotions, and try not to be reactive or defensive.

Friday, November 6

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Cancer

Aspect: Mercury in Libra (square) Saturn in Capricorn - There is pressure between our mind’s interests and our life’s responsibilities today. Instead of getting frustrated, spark conversations or ideas that can lead to innovation!

Saturday, November 7

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Leo - A positive beam comes from the Moon today and tomorrow as extroverted Leo helps us pick ourselves up and see the bright side.

Sunday, November 8

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Leo

Looking for even more insights? Our Astrology Answers Advisors are highly skilled in many forms of divination to help you make the most of today, tomorrow, and your future.

Related article: The Benefits of Meditation & The Best Meditation for Your Zodiac Sign

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Source: astrologyanswers.com

Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/weekly-astrology-forecast-november-2-8-2020/
