
Weekly Astrology Forecast: October 26 - November 1, 2020

This week’s astrology overview includes the most anticipated event of October 2020

The Full Moon in Taurus on Saturday not only falls on Halloween, but it is also a Blue Moon, which means it’s the second Full Moon in a month. This event is extremely rare! The last time we had a Full Moon on Halloween was in 2001, and the last time a Blue Moon occurred on Halloween was in 1944.

This might be the last Halloween Full Moon and Blue Moon we see in our lifetimes, so it’s important to understand how we can harness and use this very special energy coming our way this week.

The Halloween Full Moon With Extra Magic

Here is what this rare Halloween Full Moon energy offers you:

First, you can expect opportunities to present themselves anytime from Thursday through Monday. Next, the earthy Taurus energy can bring some extra romance, allowing us to indulge in fun to relieve stress.

This event also marks a turning point for the 2020 forecast. As we wrap up the month celebrating, we are turning a corner towards what astrologers predict to be the best part of the year.

This week we also have both Mercury (which is still retrograde) and Venus moving into Libra on Tuesday. When the planet of love and the planet of communication is in this Air sign, expect socializing and friendships to blossom.

We may feel inspired to connect more with friends from way back with Mercury retrograde to rekindle those broken bonds.

How to Make the Most of this Week

Taurus takes us out of our minds and brings us back to our body, in the here and now. Let Saturday’s Full Moon help you find all the things we share in common to give the divisiveness a break.

We all like to laugh, spend time with friends, and eat our favorite candy!

This week’s astrology forecast outlook is positive because we are turning away from negativity and towards a time of celebration that will carry through the end of the year. Make time to have some fun and let your inner-child play this week.

You’ll find that there’s still much to be grateful for even in these challenging times.

Planetary Locations During October 26 - November 1, 2020

Sun: Scorpio (October 21, 2020 - November 20, 2020)

Mercury: Scorpio (September 27, 2020 - October 27, 2020), Libra (October 27, 2020 - November 10, 2020)

Venus: Virgo (October 2, 2020 - October 27, 2020), Libra (October 27, 2020 - November 21, 2020)

Mars: Aries (June 27, 2020 - January 6, 2021)

Jupiter: Capricorn (December 2, 2019 - December 19, 2020)

Saturn: Capricorn (July 1, 2020 - December 17, 2020)

Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)

Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)

Pluto: Capricorn (Until January 20, 2024)

Did you know that we all have a second ruling planet? Check out: Do You Know Your Second Ruling Planet?

Daily Astrology Snapshots for October 26 - November 1, 2020

Monday, October 26

Sun: Scorpio - We are drawn to things we can investigate and want absolute truths without grey areas under this influence. However, it’s not always possible to live in a black and white reality. There are always grey areas, so try to use tolerance as you wade through the emotional Scorpio water.

Moon: Pisces - With the Sun and Moon in a Water sign, we may be more easily swayed by our emotions and have trouble staying grounded. Try doing simple tasks around the house and not be impulsive.

Tuesday, October 27

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Pisces

Ingress: Venus enters Libra. This transit lasts until November 21st, 2020. Under this influence, we are drawn to beauty and might just find ourselves having more fun picking fabulous outfits to attract the eye of someone we like.

We also are able to get out and make new friends. This is also a great time to try a new hobby.

Ingress: Mercury enters Libra. This transit lasts until November 10th, 2020. Our mind is directed to issues of justice during this time. We will cheer for the underdog who, against all odds, does the right thing.

We are inspired by the goodness that brings us together through challenging times.

Wednesday, October 28

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Aries - Today’s Sun and Moon combo is spicy! People will likely be flirtatious and ready to make a bold move for romance.

Don’t forget to find out: Is Love Doomed During Mercury Retrograde?

Thursday, October 29

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Aries

Friday, October 30

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Aries

Saturday, October 31

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Taurus - We are drawn to good smells, good food, and good times today. You probably don’t feel like working, so don’t force it!

Event: Full Moon in Taurus. This Full Moon brings us a chance to slow down and stop the busy tasks that usually fill our day. Taurus is known to have a sweet tooth, so watch out for strong sugar cravings and moderate.

Overall, look out for magical blessings that come with a Full Moon and be aware that people may be more irrational if they aren’t in tune with their emotions, so stay safe!

Sunday, November 1

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Taurus

What’s up in the stars today? Check your free Daily Horoscope - here on Astrology Answers!

Related article: What to Expect This Halloween Based on Astrology

Did this overview resonate with you? Get another astrologer’s take on this week’s astrology forecast.

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Source: astrologyanswers.com

Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/weekly-astrology-forecast-october-26-november-1-2020/
