Whew! What a Year!
Welcome to December, the “12” vibrations of creation, spiritual fulfillment, and manifestation. The last month of a groundbreaking and transformational year that changed many lives across the world.
We were met with conjunctions, dynamic T-squares, activation of Grand Cardinal crosses, and planetary stations like no other this year that restored our inner temple of truth.
Plagued with anxiety, lockdowns, elections, riots, and more, this year was definitely one for the books. In the end, it all proved to be an overwhelming and unexpected change that was needed to usher in a new way of life. We needed a year like 2020 to shake up the current status quo to create something new. Crystal clear, 20/20 vision to carry us for years to come.
This year was also jam-packed with lessons that helped us learn how to create healthy boundaries, effectively heal, gain back our righteous power, courage, strength, and spiritual will to achieve soul dreams.
Change brings in a new awareness, which provides us a chance to shift our consciousness and enter into new doors that support our soul’s future. Through the transitions of change, we awaken, elevate, and revolutionize a new way. What we experienced this year has not been for the faint of heart. It required ambition, courage, resilience, integrity, grace, and strength, all the amazing qualities of a hero who has battled through the darkness revealing his inner light.
Now we approach the final act of elevation and epic soul revealing as we get ready to enter 2021(5), the year of our soul expression.
Now the butterfly prepares to emerge from its cocoon, soaring into new heights in the upcoming year.
So what does the last month of 2020 have to offer us? The final grounding of our authentic self and the embodiment of true nature. We restored the foundation, and now we add to its structure and build in the new earth.
Let’s stop and take a look at the amazing planetary aspects that will finish off the year and the energy we can expect from them.
Keep track of the stars and all of the upcoming transits with our free December 2020 astrology calendar!
December 1, 2020
Mercury in Sagittarius: Higher Mind Attunement
Mercury enters into the mutable sign of Sagittarius for higher mind attunement and expansion.
He blazes through and delivers refined attunement by activating higher wisdom and expanding our worldwide view and how we experience the world. After rising out of the dark Scorpion abyss, Mercury has fully shifted towards a higher vision, thus signifying a powerful calibration point of our internal operating system and network of communication. Mercury’s last retrograde in between Scorpio and Libra encouraged us to use our right brain and adopt emotional intelligence.
As he sprints through Sagittarius till the 20th, we are gifted with mental expansion, vitality, and clear intuition.
Seek the wisdom of using power for the common good, turning your mind towards the quest to understand the source of all things. It is time to check our egos at the door as we prepare for the soul expression of 2021. Keep your eyes towards the higher vision and allow Sagittarius’s fire to forge a new mental path. Expand your mind and set your conscious free.
Study or learn a new culture, read a new book, and practice breathing techniques to balance and stabilize your nervous system. New ideas, insights, and revelations are gained under this aspect. Imagine how high you could fly if you released the baggage from your mind.
December 5, 2020
Venus Trine Neptune (Scorpio/Pisces 18 Degrees): The Awakened Heart
Sensual feelings of harmony and bliss inspire you to redefine your relationships and finances, leading to wonderful opportunities and spiritual attainment. Tap into the unlimited supply of creativity and inspiration and allow these two planets’ energies to inspire a higher vision that will help you shift your perspective.
Relaxation and romance are on the rise, but this energy may also speak to deception and manipulation experienced in the past. Find a balanced approach between fantasyland and reality.
December 9, 2020
Sun Square Neptune (Sagittarius/Pisces 18 Degrees): Ego Confrontation
Challenges arise, forcing us to confront the ego and move beyond its illusions and limiting patterns. Resistance brought on by the Sun creates a weakened effect on our overall vitality and our ability to make confident, solid decisions.
Confronting the unhealed ego and challenging its imperfections is key to managing friction from this square.
Review the areas in which you have deceived yourself and use this stepping stone provided by the Sun and Neptune to dissolve false identities and step into your higher self. Engaging in self-pity will only harm your emotional and physical health. This aspect also speaks to the confusion and the inability to focus on simple tasks. Burnouts will only cause more emotional stress.
Increased feelings of sensitivity during this time. Step back, take a time out, and rest! You deserve it!
December 10, 2020
Venus Sextile Pluto (Scorpio/Capricorn 23 Degrees): Transformation of the Higher Heart
Feelings and emotional responses are deeper and more intense during this time as Venus and Pluto manifest to elevate your decision-making process, relationships and increase intimacy in your life.
This is brought on by embodying and owning your sexual power, charm, pose, shadow, and grace. When out of control, this energy will only bring chaos and destruction into your life, harming your relationships and finances. This aspect increases emotional power and sexual stamina.
It’s time to live your personal truth with confidence, conviction, and passion. Honoring the darkness of the divine feminine and all its glory.
December 11, 2020
Sun Trine Mars (Sagittarius/Aries 18 Degrees): Grounded Sense of Self
This aspect is about grounding your physical body and a higher sense of self in the new earth paradigm. Reclaiming your righteous power, strength, and the spiritual will to achieve.
Restoring the “I AM “ template and realizing the strongest desires lie beyond the ego’s bounds. Mars in Aries RX showed us every area in our life in which we act impulsively. Now we are given a chance to properly construct our energy and transmute any anger or frustrations to higher creativity channels. This is a great combination of ambition and the desire to achieve.
Both planets seek to bring forth self-confidence that promotes a stronger sense of leadership in your life. Use this aspect and get to the gym or go for a walk. Get your body moving and your blood flowing. This is also the perfect energy to revisit any business plans, goals, and projects.
Get a head start on your plans for the upcoming year.
Learn more about what you can expect in Sagittarius season: What to Expect in Adventurous Sagittarius Season
Sun Conjunct South Node (Sagittarius 18 Degrees): Integrating Past Life Lessons
The Sun & South Node, our Earth Star chakra, creates a dynamic connection that fuels our soul’s purpose in 2021. This year was about stripping away and peeling the old layers of our weakened identity past societal roles.
This revealed our authentic self, the point of darkness where magic, creation, and unlimited potential lie.
The Sun builds a light bridge through the darkness, the fire, and flame, acting as the ultimate devotion of higher inspiration that will motivate our future. Integrating past experiences into wisdom is key. Every lesson was for a higher purpose and a reason. Use it as motivation to push yourself forward, don’t let it hold you back.
December 12, 2020
Mars Sextile North Node (Aries/Gemini 19 Degrees): Ambitious Abilities
This stimulating sextile between Mars & the North Node says it’s time to get serious about our desires and stop ignoring the call to a higher destiny.
Ask yourself if what you currently desire is fueled by your ego or a higher power? Are you taking on too many things at once? What can you do to manage your anger and frustrations? You have the ambition, courage, and drive. Now it is time to properly apply it in your life.
Mars is ready to burn through the past, inspiring a better future.
December 13, 2020
Mercury Square Neptune (Sagittarius/Pisces 18 Degrees): Clouded Imagination
Mercury and Neptune create conflict between imagination and reality. Jumping to conclusions and overlooking important details is strong under this aspect.
Step back, bring stillness to your mind, and shift through any clouded perceptions.
Avoid important discussions or negotiations as mental manipulation and confusion are on the rise. Because of past misunderstandings, you may have developed anxiety and mental insecurities. This aspect is perfect for breathwork and meditation.
Bring peace to the chatter of your mind, disengage from social media, and connect back with the beauty of the universe. Avoid activities and substances that may increase sensitivity and cloud your judgment. Mercury is also known as the trickster, don’t let him team up with Neptune and trick you!
December 14, 2020
Sagittarius New Moon, Solar Eclipse (23 Degrees): Greatest Expansion
December’s Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is the expansion and manifestation of our higher truth. The point in which a greater light and a stronger fire are revealed, illuminating the way towards a new world.
After plunging into the depths of November’s New Moon in Scorpio, December’s Solar Eclipse, we RISE!
This New Moon is the second of the eclipse passageway and the point in which we burn through the old path of 2020 and allow for magic and manifestation to take place in the New Year. Sagittarius’s adventurous, playful, and freedom-loving energy creates a sense of optimism and positivity that we can bring into 2021.
Sagittarius activates higher wisdom, the ceremonial fire that releases the past’s attachments, expanding us to new heights.
This New Moon is packed with dynamic aspects as Mercury builds a bridge to the North Node, conjunct the South Node. This boost of energy helps us revisit the past from a higher perception, analyze it from our newly upgraded mind frame, and correct any potential mistakes. We are co-creators of our reality, and we must become mindful of the reality we are creating.
Mercury also engages in a wonderful trine with Mars to help ground our actions and thoughts.
Venus trines Jupiter providing opportunities for us to let go and become inspired by the heart. For our hearts to expand and access a higher vision, we have to be ready to let go of everything that no longer serves us. When we become attached to fear, emotions, trauma, thoughts, and feelings, we bury our universal vision and become burdened with the weight. Now is your chance to release that weight and tap into a stronger sense of your purpose.
Trust your inner navigation system and aim high!
December 15, 2020
Venus Sextile Saturn (Scorpio/Capricorn 29 Degrees): The Heart is Our Seat of Power
Venus and Saturn open up new pathways to reclaiming our seat of power, elevating to the higher authority of divine Universal law.
When positively manifested, Saturn will bring higher qualities of boundaries, stability, responsibility, and self-discipline to the functions of Venus and our relationships. This aspect creates better financial management and maximizes the need for structure in our relationships. Use the energy provided by these two to set better personal boundaries and restructure your value system.
Release attachments to material objects and people so you do not miss real opportunities for growth.
Venus in Sagittarius: Seeker of Truth
Venus rises in her awakened state after diving deep into Scorpio’s underworld for total regeneration and transformation. Entering into Sagittarius, she activates heart expansion and becomes the seeker of truth.
The love, joy, excitement, fire, and passion of Sagittarius aim high to clear any confusion or distortion around our heart space as we get ready to live from our authentic state in the upcoming year. This station brings a sense of adventure, confidence, and optimism to our lives.
This is a perfect time to explore arts, new food, music, metaphysical learning, and activities that will stimulate your senses.
Learn more about Chiron, the Karmic Maker of the Birth Chart.
Chiron Direct: The Master Healer
Chiron stations direct in Aries, and now we get to turn our experiences into wisdom and become master healers.
Chiron’s retrograde was a powerful prayer, a cleansing of our crown and its imperfections. It cleansed our ego to reveal the Soul. Ever since Chiron entered Aries, he set out to burn through old imperfections of our weakened identity by removing false labels, social masks, and roles, so we may become whole.
Chiron helped us learn who we are at a deeper level by exposing us to wounds in our relationships, the rage in our hearts, and fire in our eyes, channeling all that organic energy into intense healing and soul restoration. If you lack motivation, now is the time to get moving.
Let your past be the motivator for a greater future.
December 17, 2020
Saturn in Aquarius: Structuring the New Foundation
After a three year journey home, Saturn leaves Capricorn and enters into the freedom-loving sign of Aquarius.
This represents the grounding and structuring of the new earth foundation in the Aquarian Age. It’s time for the collective to take our future more seriously and become committed to accessing a higher vision. A new cycle that highlights humanitarian rules, boundaries, and our structures. Aquarius is full of many ideas and needs Saturn’s self-discipline to lay the groundwork of the new foundation.
Time to apply structure and get your life in order. Envision a brighter future. It’s YOURS!
Aquarius brings revolutionary energy to build a new way forward. Emotional detachment and learning to accept our differences is key. Understand that those differences are what makes the collective so amazing and unique. Fear and resistance to change are felt during this time. You need to apply hard work, dedication, and perseverance.
Change brings higher awareness and ushers in unlimited soul potential.
Read this one next: Decoding the Age of Aquarius
December 18, 2020
Galactic Center Conjunct the Sun & Mercury (Sagittarius 27 Degrees): Universal Wisdom
Sitting at the master degree of Sagittarius, the Sun and Mercury connect with the Galactic Center, the hub of our Milky Way, which allows us to directly access universal wisdom.
Downloads, insights, and revelations fill the skies like never before, bringing about higher awareness. A shift in awareness and our cellular structure as we begin to embody more light.
December 19, 2020
Venus Trine Chiron (Sagittarius/Aries 4 Degrees): Past Life Lovers
Personal magnetism is amplified under this energy, as Venus and Chiron bring healing to your relationships and self-image.
Moving away from feelings of inadequacy is key to increasing the health of your psyche. Ancient wounds from past life lovers spilled over into this lifetime, is seeking resolution. Past hurt should not define who you are. Those experiences are the catalyst for growth.
Allow Chiron and Venus to purify your heart, setting fire to the rain, freeing you from past hurt and pain.
Jupiter in Aquarius: Expanding the Collective Truth
Through an innovative thought process, good fortune is brought on as Jupiter expands into Aquarius until December 28th, 2021.
It’s time for something different in this realm, more real, and aligned with our visionary truth. Jupiter in Aquarius is just the aspect to give us something different. This energy gives us access to great knowledge as we embark on the quest of a lifetime. Breaking free from past restraints that have prevented us from expanding our vision and inner truth.
It’s time to be free and express our unique talents and abilities. Thinking outside the box is sure to inspire new ideas and future possibilities. Our greatest expansion unfolds over the course of the next year.
Learn more about the biggest planet in our solar system: All About the Lucky Planet Jupiter
December 20, 2020
Mercury in Capricorn: Organized Thinking
Activation of our 5d blueprint is downloaded into our consciousness through our operating system as Mercury enters into Capricorn.
Capricorn represents Universal power and authority that empowers us to take responsibility in our lives. Under this aspect, we will learn that we function best when working within a set structure to achieve our goals. Mental organization and an increased focus is brought on as Mercury swifts through this earth sign till January 8th, 2021.
It is time to trust your mind and create proper goals to achieve success. This aspect also brings a scattered mind to rest.
December 21, 2020
Sun in Capricorn: Change & Structure
Shifting into Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun moves into the practical sign of Capricorn. The planetary aspects of today are like no other, increasing light grids across the world.
This energy initiates a sense of change and structure that we can bring into the New Year. Time to work smarter, harder, yes, but most importantly, smarter. The Sun in Capricorn encourages us to form new goals and take the necessary steps to achieve them.
Jupiter Saturn Conjunction (Aquarius 0 Degrees): A Revolutionary Shift
Ancient rulers of the skies meet up in a brand new 20-year cycle representing a revolutionary shift in humanity’s perspective.
Our expansive nature and worldwide vision need structure, and as Jupiter blends with Saturn 0 degrees in the Fixed sign of Aquarius, humanity will be gifted with the structure to form a new vision. This Great Conjunction ushering in the end of a groundbreaking year and the birth of new life, something we could only dream of with our wildest imagination.
This is the great awakener of a new world as we dissolve the matrix’s boundaries and limitations. This may point to a career or lifestyle change. It is important not to exhaust your energy and overexpand your ideas.
Sit down, set healthy boundaries, and review your goals. Weigh the pros and cons of all situations. This aspect will prove to be highly rewarding if you apply your energy right.
December 22, 2020
Mars Conjunct Eris (Aries 23 Degrees): Chaos, Destruction, & Social Rebirth
We have to go through releasing our triggers to uncover and understand who we truly are. We can no longer fear our power and allow our environment to condition and control our minds. We have ignored the darkness for too long, suppressing its power, and now it is ready to explode.
Stop neglecting what you feel and use it to create your ultimate vision.
Anger does not have to control your life. You are the captain of your ship, the hero of your journey, and the warrior that courageously fought through the darkest times. Do not forget what you are made of!
Uranus Black Moon Lilith Conjunction (Taurus 0 Degrees): A Shift in Sexual Consciousness
Uranus comes to an exact conjunction with Black Moon Lilith, awakening repressed energy.
So much has been stored inside and will now rise to the surface for full release. Through a shift in sexual consciousness and honoring our power, we begin to feel a sense of liberation and freedom. Breaking through the barriers and chains that have caused us to suppress who we truly are.
This energy is about honoring your inner masculine and feminine. Let your sexual power inspire creativity in your life.
December 23, 2020
Mars Square Pluto (Aries/Capricorn 23 Degrees): Power Struggles
Slow down, stop, and breathe.
The final three squares between these two create volatile energy that is sure to cause conflict and tension in your life if you don’t stop and reevaluate your actions. Under this energy, you may feel the need to battle and challenge anyone or anything that stands in your way. You are quick to act without thinking of long term consequences and how your actions may be potentially harmful to your health.
Pluto brings transformation to Mars’s impulsive nature, actions, vitality, sexuality, and physical strength. Use increased sexual energy for personal healing. Learn how to apply your will consistently and get clear about your personal desires. Avoid the tendency to dominate others and engage in power struggles.
Mercury Square Chiron (Capricorn/Aries 4 Degrees): Tense Communications
The primal wound lies in your mind and often leaves you anxious about what you say or how others feel about you. Insecurities arise, blocking you from being able to get your point across.
Not being able to express yourself brings up past hurt and insecurities.
Spoken-word, reading, writing, and even singing help clear up conflict and tension experienced under this aspect. Disharmony in what you think versus what you say is present. Take a step back and find new outlets to express yourself. Disengage from negative self-talk.
December 25, 2020
Mercury Trine Uranus (Capricorn/Taurus 6 Degrees): Higher Mind Awakening
Dynamic wake up calls of the highest order reveal an amazing pathway into the new year on this beautiful Christmas day. Geniuses are formed under this aspect, so tap into your inner genius.
December 26, 2020
Sun Square Chiron (Capricorn/Aries 4 Degrees): The Wounded Sense of Self
This cardinal square initiates friction to shed the layers of our wounded self. It’s time to remove the clutter and clear any confusion packed on your energetic body from this 3d realm. Remember that tension promotes friction and stimulates creation. Find healthy outlets to express anger.
December 27, 2020
Sun Trine Uranus (Capricorn/Taurus 6 Degrees): Executive Opportunities
Lightning strikes so new consciousness may emerge through unexpected change and events.
Ushering in an electrifying New Year, the Sun and Uranus elevate our collective consciousness. This amazing aspect births creativity and brilliance at the highest level. Inspirations and new insights fuel the skies, write down your ideas, and watch them come to life.
Executive opportunities are provided to get your life in order and organized.
December 29, 2020
Cancer Full Moon (8 Degrees): Intense Emotions
The final Full Moon of 2020, the light that births a new way. This Full Moon’s energetic expression is all about emotional power, finding our inner balance point, and not getting swept up in our emotional currents.
Cancer is a Water sign, and we have to remember the power water holds and our ability to purify our internal elements. We started 2020 with a Cancer Full Moon, and we will finish it with a Cancer Full Moon. You may be feeling deeply intense energies during this time as we say goodbye to a year we wish to no longer see.
Cancer reminds us home is where the heart is, and sometimes unexpected events remind us just how important home is. This Full Moon is asking you to get clear about what you want in the upcoming year.
Energy Tips for December 2020
- Let go of old habits and patterns that hold you back.
- Learn how to express your authentic self.
- Honor your range of emotions and let your inner fire motivate your future.
- Practice breathwork and meditation.
- Practice self-love and forgiveness.
- Let go of judgment.
- Get present and listen.
December is all about wrapping up everything that no longer serves us. Leaving cycles of self-blame, self-sabotage, and limiting patterns. This allows us to create a brighter future, with a clear vision ahead.
Remember, the power of the Universe is at your fingertips. Tap into unconditional love so wise and sweet. Reveal your unlimited potential and manifest your best life!
May 2021 be filled with abundance, blessings, love, and prosperity.
Happy (almost) New Year!
Related article: Your Lucky Crystal for 2021, Based on Your Life Path Number
Next Article
Source: astrologyanswers.com
Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/your-december-2020-energy-forecast/
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