
Attracting Jupiter in Scorpio - Luck in Love by the Zodiac Sign

Jupiter strikes again! The god of luck, optimism, and generous spirit is switching gears and moving from harmonious Libra to intense and mysterious Scorpio.

This is a wonderful year-long transit that will help you to increase the amount of luck, optimism, and generous spirit in your lives, vive la Scorpio. It’s exceptional news for Scorpio, wonderful news for the other water signs Pisces and Cancer, and it’s excellent news for all zodiac signs.

The reason being, anytime Jupiter changes gears we have our own personal road map to increase those themes in our life for the next twelve months. That’s exactly what we are talking about today. Let’s get to your Jupiter in Scorpio roadmap by the zodiac sign!

Jupiter in Scorpio Themes

Jupiter in the cardinal sign of the air signs Libra over the past year has probably brought you a lot of luck or optimism into your relationships.

If it didn’t, look back over the past year and see where things got bumpy, as those were Jupiter’s karmic tests. Now you know what you need to work on, resolve, or move past, in order to continue that luck and optimism in relationships.

That period is going to end on October 10 when Jupiter will move into the fixed sign of the water signs Scorpio, where Jupiter will stay until November 8, 2018.

We have the biggest planet of all, the god of gods Jupiter, the planet that rules luck and optimism and the Big Picture, entering mysterious Scorpio who is known to be obsessive, jealous, stubborn, intense, mysterious, passionate, sexy, warm, inviting, and psychic.

Scorpio is also very truth driven, and although intense and stubborn at times. When they are applying that energy to their success they usually win.

What can your zodiac sign expect in love when Jupiter is in Scorpio?


You can expect some fun times in love in the year ahead, Aries. Jupiter in Scorpio will be transiting your eighth house of intimacy and shared resources. Expect a big change from one level to the next in your primary relationships. For some, that will mean marriages, moving in together, or deepening your commitments.

For others, it could mean break ups or saying goodbye to relationships that are really weighing you down. Jupiter in your eighth house wants you to be honest and maintain integrity in relationships at all costs.


Of all of the zodiac signs, Taurus, with the exception of Scorpio, you are going to see the most luck in relationships this year. Jupiter is working in your seventh house of long-term relationships over the next year.

Taurus is much more charming, mysterious and alluring to current and potential partners this year, so you are in for an excellent year in love and relationships. With the luck planet in your love house, this is your year to truly grow in your relationships.


You are going to see more luck in the areas of work, routine, and health and fitness this year Gemini, as this is the house that Jupiter is working in this year. Jupiter in Scorpio for you means Jupiter is in your sixth house of day-to-day errands, life and your regular workday.

You’re very magnetic and charming in your day-to-day affairs this year, and you want to use that with authenticity and integrity. You will also want to pay attention to the little things that your partner appreciates, to win in love. Tending to the details of your partner’s needs will make you both very happy.


With Jupiter in your fellow water sign Scorpio this year, you are in for a very fun year of romance and relationships. Jupiter is going to be working in your fifth house of pleasures and entertainment, which is also your house of romance, and fun and playful times.

This is true whether you are single or attached. The test for you this year, Cancer, will be to just enjoy this easy, breezy, playful energy and your romantic life. Follow your intuition and heart. When you do, Jupiter in Scorpio is going to make for some very lucky and intensely exciting romantic times.


Home is where the heart is, Leo, when it comes to your relationships this year. Jupiter in Scorpio is working in your fourth house of roots and foundations. This means your relationship life this year is going to revolve around your home activities.

This is the kind of year where Leo may move physical home locations for example, to be closer to the one they love, or someone might move for you. You philosophically want something bigger and better than what you have in your life right now, and Jupiter in Scorpio can help.

Your test this year, Leo, will be to be unafraid to take risks, or do something out of your normal way of doing things in love.


Communication is going to be your super power when it comes to love and relationships in the year ahead, Virgo, and this is true whether you are single or attached. Jupiter in Scorpio is working in your third house of communication, and this means you are going to have luck and intensity in the communication sector.

Your test in love this year, Virgo, will be to finesse the art of using feeling words in relationship communications. If you can pass that test, you’ll be having a very optimistic and exciting romantic year indeed.


The number two is going to play a big role in your relationship matters in the coming year, Libra, as Jupiter in Scorpio is working in your second house of resources. This is also your house of self-esteem, as well as your house of a personal and physical sense of well-being.

By taking care of you, emotionally and physically, you will attract more opportunities and experiences in love. You’ve had a wonderful year of self growth, and have undergone many tests successfully. Stay true to who you are, and don’t be afraid to take care of you first this year. When you do that, the lucky magic of Jupiter in Scorpio will find you with a delicious intensity.


It’s a wonderful year of new beginnings for you, Scorpio, especially in the area of romance. Your sense of self is also going to be amplified this year, with Jupiter waving a very confident and optimistic magic wand in your direction.

Don’t be surprised if you’re receiving many compliments this year, or find yourself just feeling good around everybody you connect with this year. You’re going to be even more attractive than you usually are, Scorpio, but the test you must pass this year is to continue striving to be the best you can, and continue working to have the best relationship possible.

It’s not going to just come to you, you have to actually make an effort.


You have a little dose of extra luck in the area of relationships this year, Sagittarius, and in all areas of your life in fact. This is due to the fact that Jupiter, your ruling planet, will be working in your twelfth house of spirituality and endings this year.

With this energy comes our guardian angel who will be by your side through every experience you undergo this year. You are protected by a special guardian angel this year when your ruling planet is visiting Scorpio. Your lucky ruling planet has your back all year long as well. Your karma is also very important this year, Sagittarius, and that will be a test for you.

If you pass it, you’ll be on cloud nine, and in love, for a very long time.


You can expect to see some real dreams come true in the relationship department this year, Capricorn, so don’t be afraid to dream big. As the cardinal earth sign, you have a tendency to be fairly grounded and practical, especially when it comes to romance.

This year you are encouraged to think bigger than you usually do. With Jupiter in Scorpio in your eleventh house of groups and friendships, Jupiter is encouraging you to explore some big dreams and visit visions that are bigger than you usually work with.

You also have some luck and can attract opportunities in a group settings this year. Your biggest relationship test this year will be to think bigger than you normally do.


You are going to see a change in status in your relationship life, Aquarius. This does not mean that you’re going to go from attached to single or vice versa. It only means you’re going to see some sort of elevation of status this year in your romantic affairs.

All of this is due to the fact of Jupiter in Scorpio in your tenth house of status and destiny. As you are the community and humanitarian minded zodiac sign, improving your status in the community or global sense is going to really help you to increase your romantic status as well.

Expect your relationship life to be a little bit in the public eye while you are planning your relationship experiences this year, Aquarius.


Long distance matters are going to play a key role in your relationship affairs this year, Pisces. Jupiter in fellow water sign Scorpio is working in your ninth house of foreign affairs this year. It’s a great year for traveling with a lover or partner, or a great year for even connecting with a long-distance lover.

You may also find luck in love while you are traveling, even if you departed on a journey as a single Pisces. Your test will be to ensure you maintain all relationships and experiences with karma and integrity, or Jupiter’s magic wand could spin the other direction for you.

Related Article: Relationship Tips for Scorpios

Source: astrologyanswers.com

Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/attracting-jupiter-in-scorpio-luck-in-love-by-the-zodiac-sign/
