
Everything You Need to Know About the Sagittarius/Capricorn Cusp

Hello, December babies of the 18th to 25th! If you feel out of sync or misaligned with your supposed Sun sign, you may want to dig a bit deeper into the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp… because that’s you!

First — confused about the hype or the controversy surrounding cusps? You’re not alone. The concept of a cusp is hotly debated in astrology communities and circles; ultimately, many agree that you can only have one Sun sign.

However, especially if you feel confused or disconnected with your Sun sign, it can never hurt to check up on what the stars would have to say about your particular cusp, and perhaps you’ll learn a little more about yourself in the process.

And because the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp is so dynamic, interesting, and powerful, this is not one that you will want to miss!

Sagittarius & Capricorn Personality Traits

We know that every Sun sign already has its own unique traits and quirks. You are probably already familiar with many of the traits that make up your Sun sign in particular!

It’s therefore helpful to first familiarize ourselves with these two special signs’ individual traits to best understand the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp.

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign Traits

Sagittarius Positive Traits

  • Optimistic

  • Honest

  • Adventurous

  • Idealistic

  • Philosophical

  • Passionate

Sagittarius Negative Traits

  • Flighty

  • Tactless

  • Stubborn

  • Impatient

  • Non-committal

Capricorn Zodiac Sign Traits

Capricorn Positive Traits

  • Hardworking

  • Dependable

  • Ambitious

  • Organized

  • Loyal

  • Classy

Capricorn Negative Traits

  • Pessimistic

  • Perfectionist

  • Stubborn

  • Workaholic

  • Anxious

  • Melancholy

Evidently, both signs have their own strengths and weaknesses, and that duality is important as we are all unique, multifaceted, and incredibly complex people!

However, with a Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp, we get an interesting mix of both sets of traits, making for a quite special collision.

Catch up on cusps: Are You On The Cusp? Must-Know Facts About Zodiac Cusps

The Sagittarius/Capricorn Cusp

Eccentric Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck, growth, and expansions. On the other hand, more brooding and serious Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of limitations, karma, and discipline.

In other words, while Jupiter is all sparkles and sunshine, Saturn is seriousness and shadow.

Additionally, Sagittarius is a Mutable sign, easily changeable, and sometimes unpredictable. And Capricorn is a Cardinal sign, grounded and headstrong, and able to put their mind to whatever plan of action they have going on at the time.

As a result, Sagittarius and Capricorn’s combo is one of almost near-opposites, or at the very least energies that we would not normally consider to mix so easily. After all, we have the optimism of wild archer Sagittarius meeting the cool and calculated nature of wise goat Capricorn.

What Do These Zodiac Signs Share?

That isn’t to say that these two signs have no middle ground!

Both personalities are extremely likely to go after what they want with fierce veracity. While they may not normally always agree on their method of choice to do so will be, rest assured these two passionate individuals are not ones to let something they want out of their sight.

Additionally, both signs are capable of being fierce and independent leaders. Capricorn is a natural leader as a Cardinal sign with prime organizational skills, and Sagittarius is a visionary with excellent people skills.

Overall, there is a great overlap that can be seen particularly within the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp if managed correctly.

The Sagittarius/Capricorn Cusp Personality

So, what does it all mean for what a Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp personality ultimately looks like?

A Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp personality is likely to have all the zest and joy of vibrant archer Sagittarius, but with Capricorn’s targeted go-getter quality. As a result, we get an individual that is likely to take the lead and climb to the top of any ladder.

There is obviously plenty of potential here for incredible success. With both Jupiter’s luck and the wisdom of Saturn, a Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp can seem almost unstoppable to the outside eye. Everyone else may wonder — “just how do they do it?”

However, there are still potential pitfalls!

Sagittarius-Capricorn cusps are doubly as likely to wish to maintain their fierce independence. Although both know how to work a crowd to get what they want, these signs combined need a stronger push to forge long-term, meaningful connections.

So, as much as you want to climb to the top of the ladder as a Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp, just as equally, you will have to learn to share the wealth with others!

Contemplating the Cusp

Cusp signs and personalities are intriguing with or without their controversial reputation. And whether or not you find yourself believing in all of the hubbub surrounding cusps, you can undoubtedly still learn a lot about astrology and yourself in seriously reflecting upon what your cusp personality may look like.

If the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp describes you and you feel like you’ve found a home, astrology has simply done its unique job of helping you discover more about yourself and what your place in the world really looks like.

And if not, the good news is that there’s always more out there in the vast world of the stars to discover!

Related article: The Essential Facts on the Virgo/Libra Cusp

Source: astrologyanswers.com

Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-sagittarius-capricorn-cusp/
