
Your March 2021 Energy Forecast

Hello March! The sunrise of 2021 and the emergence of the soul. This month gives us wonderful opportunities to advance, flourish, and move forward as dreams begin to bloom. The number “3” vibrations of March represent the Holy Trinity of love, life, and wisdom.

It marks the beginning of synthesis and the reconciliation of the body and mind connection fused by spirit.

February’s motto was “I use, therefore I know,” March’s motto is “I believe, I am that I am, therefore I create.” The stagnation is clearing, and we are beginning to move forward through doors aligned with our soul’s 5d blueprint. March is where past, present, and future collide, bringing us to the start of a brand new astrological year and spring equinox.

All this amazing energy signifies a time where creativity and new life are high.

When opportunities come your way this month, will you freeze in fear? Will you fight change? Or will you fly and trust that a higher power is leading your life to new places? Each moment you are given a chance to make a new choice and alchemize the emotions of fear. It’s up to you to seize that chance.

We are wrapping up old cycles and beginning anew.

This energy will help you clarify what has happened in the previous months and what you should be doing next. You are being called to step up and embrace your calling by letting your higher self-lead the way. March marks a massive transition and turning point that alters our current foundation. We can no longer repeat the same stories. We came here to create new stories, inspire love, and live freely.

The realization of a higher power within has set in, and we understand we will never go back to the way things were. That way of “normal” no longer exists. We are responsible for that new beginning and adopting a clear vision to build a new world.

Are you ready to take that leap forward?

From the New Moon in Pisces to Aries season and spring equinox, Venus superior solar conjunction, and the Libra Full Moon, there is no doubt that March truly is the sunrise of 2021.

Let’s explore this month’s planetary conversations.

Your March 2021 Energy Forecast

March 1 - 7, 2021: Crystalline Upgrades

Mars Enters Gemini

The first week of March introduces a radical gear shift with Mars entering the mutable sign of Gemini on March 3rd.

Here we learn how to discipline our thoughts to create a new world based on the foundation of love, aligning our actions and desires with the higher heart and mind. With Mars in Taurus from the beginning of January, we dealt with the shadow side of impulsive actions, laziness, and not taking proper care of our body.

When we effectively deal with these issues, peace flourishes in the realm of security, and we are not sucker-punched into battles or situations that don’t serve the highest good. This energy allows us to fully act on our desires from the seat of our hearts.

Now, in Gemini, the crystal ball of consciousness and light of duality, Mars provides an opportunity to cultivate an open mind by learning how to trust and tap into the power of intuition.

This is why Mercury has claimed his new role as the divine masculine because our mind is the fuel to our Mars-like actions and desires. The mind has to root in the heart, so the physical body can align with our spiritual will and desire to achieve.

So what does Mars in Gemini bring us?

A need for freedom to fully pursue our desires without distractions, freedom to move in any direction we choose to fly, and to speak our truth without fear, judgment, persecution, and pain.

The natural sextile between Gemini and Mars-ruled Aries acts as a crystalline prism for Mars’ energy to activate and expand in various directions and dimensions throughout all space and time. This is the perfect time to engage in new physical activities.

Venus & Uranus

Mercury post retrograde retraces his steps with Jupiter and the North Node as Pallas enters Pisces.

Venus engages in the first of two sextiles to Uranus exact 7 degrees in Pisces and Taurus on March 3rd. Although Venus and Uranus’ relationship may be slightly off due to the natural Aquarius-Taurus Square, the natural Uranus-ruled Aquarius and Venus-ruled Libra trine provide opportunities to transform your relationships and social awareness to higher levels of consciousness aligned with your 5d blueprint.

This is rooted in the transformation of your value system and your ability to confront change. The energy of these planets manifests new and unexpected social connections and relationships.

You might also be interested in: Exploring Venus Through Your Birth Chart

Mercury Conjuncts Jupiter

Mercury conjuncts Jupiter on March 4th, retracing his steps during post retrograde shadow.

This transit expands our multidimensional consciousness to universal octaves that support the higher mind. This is the final conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter, which is the catalyst to elevating our inner operating system to crystalline consciousness levels.

During this transit, downloads and insights previously gained about the future will be made clear.

Revisit any ideas and plans you wrote down during Mercury RX and see how you feel about them now. Mercury is also at its greatest western elongation, 27.3 degrees from the Sun. You can spot the swift messenger right before sunrise, along with Jupiter very low above the eastern horizon.

Expect important discussions about society and technology.

Pallas Enters Pisces

The weekend finishes up on a beautiful note, with Pallas, the Goddess of courage, skill, strategy, and wisdom, moving into the intuitive waters of Pisces.

Pallas was a part of the Great Aquarius stellium back in February.

Her shift into Pisces signifies receiving messages from a higher power and applying them in one’s life. Aquarius provided us with a clear light of logic, information, and knowledge. Now, Pisces will help us intuitively discern if this information is accurate or resonates with one’s soul. Pallas in Pisces is the divine spark of creative intelligence and higher wisdom from the heart.

Focus on grounding to avoid being fooled by the Piscean energy of deception and illusions.

March 8 - 14, 2021: Spiritual Destiny

Venus Squares the North Node & Neptune Solar Conjunction

The week starts slow as we gear up for the New Moon in Pisces.

Venus squares both the North and South Nodes on March 9th, calling relationships, talents, and values to question. Their square suggests that partnerships and social connections may be distracting you from your life’s purpose.

Those connections draw and pull on your energy, taking your personal resources, which may leave you depleted and unable to fulfill your destiny.

In the past, you may have struggled with your values due to relationships and belief systems. This is the moment to transcend old ways. Take a leap of faith, recognize, and confront those limiting patterns. Fear is organic fuel for your spiritual destiny. You cannot make a change if you don’t face your fears.

The Sun conjuncts Neptune on March 4th, bringing the function of self in contact with the transpersonal dimension that illuminates the soul.

This is such an important aspect that leads to transcending the ego and recognizing the negative ways Neptune may manifest through the subconscious, such as addictive and/or dysfunctional behaviors. On the other hand, you may feel an intense urge to escape from the everyday world and melt into the oneness of the universe.

This solar conjunction is the gateway to Universal wisdom.

Pisces New Moon Conjunct Venus & Neptune

We’re heading into a powerful New Moon conjunct Venus and Neptune, sextile Pluto, and square the Galactic Center. This marks a historical shift of the heart that will deliver everyone to an entirely new paradigm.

Pisces is the light of life, the “Christos Sophia” also known as “Christ consciousness,” which is the perfected individual soul in human form.

It is also the sign of spiritual wisdom, ruled by Neptune who’s conjunction to Venus represents the spark of our inner fire, increasing our energetic field with a higher capacity for enlightenment. This New Moon is the opportunity to go beyond our limitations and face our doubts and fears, so we can truly experience the beauty of life.

During this time, the energy you may feel is associated with compassion, imagination, mysticism, and unconditional love.

It’s time to dive deep into the vast waters of Pisces for cleansing and soul restoration. Drawing upon the ocean of the collective unconscious that holds the meaning of all life on this planet.

Divine wisdom empowers us to dream and envision a world that supports the universal blueprint and sacred geometry of life.

Happy New Moon!

Mercury Retrograde Shadow Ends

Mercury finally leaves his shadow, and now we can fully tap into the power and potential of the newly elevated mind.

Expect to be moving straight ahead towards your goals as you can consolidate the lessons faced during retrograde. A great deal of clarity is provided to get you moving in the right direction.

March 15 - 21, 2021: Celebration of Life

Mercury Enters Pisces

Mercury enters Pisces on the 15th for the final heart/mind calibration. Pisces represents the light of life. It’s the sign of divine mastery and spiritual wisdom.

In Aquarius, Mercury taught us how to master and transmute negative thought patterns by harnessing detachment and unconditional love. Now, in Pisces, we learn how to master our mental fears and realize our sovereign selves.

This is the scientist’s transformation into the poet, as the nervous system is flushed with Universal wisdom. Although this is a rather difficult placement for Mercury’s mental energies to move freely, if you can adjust your mind to the Piscean waters, you will be able to cleanse your mental body and unleash new experiences in your life.

Under this energy, you may feel more intuitive and able to grasp complex topics easier.

On the other hand, this energy may leave you confused or easily swayed by emotions. This also suggests an extreme sensitivity and vulnerability to mental deception. The nervous system is picking up on ethereal vibrations, opening the collective to higher levels of consciousness that operate with the fluidity of Pisces’ nature.

There are so many wonderful opportunities to take advantage of under this transit. Mercury’s swim through the cosmic ocean is divine motivation to pursue your dreams.

Read this next for more insights: How Will the Mercury Shadow Impact You?

Sun, Venus, & Pluto

Both the Sun and Venus sextile Pluto through the 16th and 18th, stimulating magnetic attraction and passion on all things love.

The energy of this planetary conversation increases the need to be determined and purposeful when achieving your goals. Avoid negative behaviors of Pluto that may manifest in manipulation and obsession.

Mastering your sexual energy is key to transmuting lower energies and transcending the shadows of the subconscious.

Spring Equinox & Aries Season

On Saturday, March 20th, the Northern Hemisphere welcomes spring with the vernal equinox’s arrival, the celebration of Mother Earth, rebirth, and all things life.

Equinox is such a powerful turning point in the solar seasons. Around this time, the Sun crosses the celestial equator in a northerly direction resulting in an equal amount of day and night. This magical day marks the beginning of Aries season and creates a strong urge to move forward and get things done under the new zodiac cycle.

Aries begins the great wheel of life.

It’s the divine spark of creation and intelligence. Under this energy, we activate the fire element of destruction, creation, and purification. All the zodiac signs are operating at higher levels of pristine consciousness. The fire is alive, and our inner light is shining bright. We are determined and motivated to succeed at restructuring a new foundation.

Expect to feel a renewed sense of hope and optimism with Aries’ fiery energy clearing the way.

Venus Enters Aries

On March 21st, Venus enters Aries sparking a new cycle of mastery from the heart.

At this time, Venus is at her greatest eastern elongation, 46.6 degrees from the Sun. You can see her right before the March sunrise in the eastern sky. While we may experience some mild tension under this energy due to the natural opposition between Aries and Venus-ruled Libra, the heart is empowered with sparks of divine will and intelligence.

The polarity between Aries and Libra represents the relationship with the personality and higher self.

This placement suggests the need to form a strong sense of your own self-identity, values, and perception. Divine sparks of creation from the heart form new expressions that will come to life. You can no longer allow fear or other people to be the driver in your life.

This hot and steamy transit increases attraction, fun, and romance. Get out and enjoy the pleasures of life!

March 22 - 31, 2021: Seizing Your Life’s Purpose & Unifying Polar Opposites

Mars, Mercury, & the North Node

On March 23rd, Mercury squares Mars and the North Node, which is in a tight conjunction with Mars.

To act in pursuit of your destiny, the mind and body have to be on the same page. Mars in Mercury-ruled Gemini is where this union takes place. Both planets tug on the North Node so you may mentally and physically evolve.

This is not the time to worry about past failures. Instead, use that energy to fuel your drive towards success.

There are glimpses of the future, and your mind is the spark of fire to make that future happen. Work through any triggering thoughts or the tendency to overanalyze situations. When the mind wanders, it tends to take us back to limiting patterns and thought-forms. Then that voice comes on, talking you out of an important step in the direction of your purpose.

Change that channel and listen to the frequency of your heart.

The doors are open! Don’t hesitate to walk through.

Learn more by reading: The Ultimate Guide to Nodes

The Sun & Venus

Venus forms a superior solar conjunction with the Sun 5 degrees in Aries on March 26th. Their magnetic spark is the catalyst to a new cycle of heart-centered awareness.

This beautiful conjunction fine-tunes our social consciousness and stimulates passionate connections.

All this fiery Cardinal energy is the initiation of the emerging soul by turning all that is not love into love. This process is carried out by bringing the function of self in contact with the decision-making and relationship function of Venus.

Mars & the North Node

When Mars comes in contact with the North Node, it represents a period when our actions and desires come face to face with our destiny and life lessons.

Their Mutable conjunction occurring 11 degrees in Gemini suggests flexibility and the need to properly integrate feminine and masculine energies. When we try to separate the two, just like we try to separate light and dark, we create a basic or flat version of reality, and we are unable to conquer our shadow from a 3rd-dimensional perspective.

Clinging to ego-based desires blocks the ability to follow a higher calling.

Tap into the physical strength and endurance under this transit in pursuit of your goals. Ensure you have a clear sense of your purpose and take the necessary action aligned with your soul’s growth.

Libra Full Moon

The last few days of March amplifies us to a new octave with a powerful light bridge provided by the Libra Full Moon.

On March 28th, the Moon in Libra opposes the Sun in Aries exact 8 degrees, mirroring our eternal light. This Full Moon is a dynamic purification of the heart and restoration of the opposition between the mind and body.

Under this energy, the Moon also opposes Venus and Chiron. This is the greatest heart purge known to humanity and the clearing of ancient karmic wounds that reside in the ego and self-expression.

Libra represents the divine balance within creation and the light of consciousness reflected through the relationships we hold with people and our environment. The recalibration process brought on by the Full Moon is the birth of our infinite potential and higher self.

Every decision, experience, situation, and relationship is a mirror.

When you look in those mirrors, what do you see? Are you able to find the spark of your authentic self and radiate that light for the world to see? When the Sun sets in the 7th house, are you able to hold your inner fire of devotion and rise?

It’s time to look in the mirror and see the real you.

Full Moons tend to be an emotionally charged time that normally creates habitual patterns to look outside of self for the root cause when the focus needs to be within. When emotions are high, reactions tend to be impulsive and unchecked, creating volatile energy.

Find healthy outlets to transmute any negative emotions.

Underneath the Full Moon, the Sun is conjunct Venus and Chiron. With Venus square the North and South Node, sextile to Saturn, it is time to release the shackles of the past, break open the barriers of your heart, and let divine healing take place.

Chiron’s shamanic powers invoke deep healing and heart-centered awareness through the Holy Fire of life, with Venus at her brightest peak in the sky.

Energetic clearing is an exhausting process. Use this time to nurture yourself and engage in daily self-care practices.

Happy Full Moon!

Make sure to try out: Full Moon in Libra 4-Card Tarot Spread

Mercury & Neptune

Mercury forms a dynamic conjunction with Neptune, 21 degrees in the cosmic ocean of Pisces on March 29th.

This finishes the month and marks the completion of our spiritual software that fine-tunes us to Universal wisdom. We are fully upgraded to higher bandwidths of consciousness reflected through the relationship between the mind and body.

There is so much creativity and psychic energy under this transit. Stop, breathe, and melt into the oneness of the limitless ocean of Piscean unconditional love.

Let go and leap into the safety of your heart.

Energy Tips for March 2021

March is the gateway to your soul’s dreams, creativity, and new life. Surrendering to the fire of life will always transmute and resurrect. The more we allow this process to unfold gently, the more we expand and experience new beginnings.

This month’s oracle card is “Grounded” from the Sacred Symbols deck.

This card serves as a reminder to connect with your body and ground. We are experiencing rapid change and an influx of higher energies. It is essential to ground and restore your connection to Mother Earth. Grounding is essential in integrating lessons learned from spirit into our daily lives, and we sure have learned many lessons.

When you ground, you connect to Earth and balance your emotional, mental, and physical bodies. It’s a sacred practice that returns us to our natural state and balances out our aura, protecting us from negative energies and corrupting thoughts.

There is so much beauty and greatness being offered this month. Grounding will help you tap into the opportunities that are right for you.

  • Meditate

  • Clean your space.

  • Remind yourself that it’s safe to let your light shine.

  • Surrender any confusion to a higher source and let love unite your purpose.

Tap into the creative and intuitive energies of March. I hope you have a wonderful month!

Source: astrologyanswers.com

Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/your-march-2021-energy-forecast/
