
The Essential August Energy Forecast

Hello August! August is a spiritual powerhouse month of 2021. A much brighter and lighter month that brings heartfelt energy and abundance.

The number “8” vibrations of completion, courage, empowerment, and strength. August is the month that will help us fine-tune our growth and move forward with our lives in a brand-new way.

New energy, spiritual connections, and heart awakenings generated this month will help us connect more closely with the divine and make our dreams a reality.

We receive a fresh dose of excitement at the beginning of the month with the Moon in Gemini and a challenging T-square with the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus. The Lion’s Gate Portal opens underneath the New Moon in Leo, reminding us that we need to give ourselves more credit.


No matter how chaotic situations may seem or how unpredictable things are, LOVE is infinite, it is overflowing, it is unconditional, and it is YOU!

Mercury goes through an intense purification process moving through Virgo and then straight into Libra at the end of the month. Venus returns home in Libra, and the Uranus stations retrograde on Thursday the 19th.

We shift from the fire and self-expression of the Sun in Leo to completion, motivation, refinement, and organization in Virgo. This beautiful transition prepares us for Autumn Equinox in September and births our soul’s expression into the physical form.

August also brings us a spectacular Aquarius Full Moon, where the water bearer nourishes the collective with a fresh dose of spiritual enlightenment and awareness by creating new community initiatives and strengthening soul tribe connections.

This month is about integrating our soul’s creative expression into the physical. Not everything is always joyful, and that is ok. Allow yourself to feel all emotions and move them through your body. Now is the time to tap into your inner alchemist and transmute energies around you that do not serve your highest and greatest good.

You have the confidence, strength, and power to create the life of your dreams. Let August be the month that reveals your infinite potential.

Now let’s explore this month’s planetary conversations!

Your August 2021 Energy Forecast

Week of August 1st, 2021

A Time for Confronting Change

August starts off on a powerful note with dynamic activations brought on by a T-square involving the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus. This confrontational energy demands our attention to balance the needs between the Sun and Saturn’s opposition that inhibits or restricts us from progressing forward.

Uranus becomes the focal point for us to evolve beyond outdated ways, past the conditioning of the collective unconscious. This energy may seem like some of the hardest challenges and tests we face in grounding the framework of the new earth, but it is important to trust the process, focus on self-care and align with higher thought, action, and vibration.

When you embrace your divinity, you create space for others to embrace theirs as well, leading to innovating global change.

We begin the month with the Moon in Gemini and end it there. This energy may feel frantic, unpredictable, and chaotic. Issues of self-esteem, self-worth, and values rise to the surface for healing by Chiron.

A powerful Heart chakra clearing and awakening is taking place for the collective.

Focus on dissolving the old yet still implementing healthy boundaries and routines for yourself. Shedding outdated ways is about transmuting an old substance into something more beneficial and useful. We still require a stable structure.

Maybe not the old feeling or meaning of structure, more like a newly evolved Uranian way of structure.

Week of August 8th, 2021

A Time for Restoring Sacred Heart Vibrations

Brace yourself for a dynamic week ahead launched by the Leo New Moon and Lion’s gate portal on August 8th.

Leo is the light of conscious creation, the zodiac of inner gratitude and emotional love. Both the Sun & Moon conjunct 16 degrees in Leo, making a very spiritual transition of the heart. This energy represents us choosing to courageously move forward with an open heart, clearing the path for a brand-new future aligned with love.

August’s New Moon conjuncts Mercury while opposing Saturn and square Uranus.

Ask yourself: What is the old emotional story you keep clinging to? Why are you resisting stability and structure?

The Moon and Uranus stir up inner tensions to give us a dose of healthy motivation. While this may generate a great deal of friction and irritation, it’s important to understand that we are claiming our power and taking a seat on our internal throne.

The Earth and star system Sirius align with the great pyramids in Egypt, activating a major ascension point of 2021. The Lion’s Gate portal is an ancient, powerful spiritual stargate full of DNA upgrades and light code activations.

During this time, expect increased cosmic energy, accelerated soul growth, enhanced creativity, and new codes of self-mastery. This portal is an extremely powerful boost in evolution and human consciousness.

This is a divine opportunity to align with abundance and your soul’s higher purpose. May there be life, hope, love, faith, and optimism in your heart.

Venus opposes Neptune on the 9th, right after the New Moon, with Mars squaring the North and South Nodes. This transit creates a struggle to get what you want most in life by showing you the work that needs to be done to overcome past disappointments. Perhaps, you overlooked important details, or there is an issue that must be fully dealt with, so you may move forward.

Ask yourself: What actions do I need to adjust, stop, or refocus? Have I been putting off or avoiding something important?

Confront your fantasies and explore what you’ve been shying away from.

Mercury enters Virgo on August 11th, filtering our most recent experiences into the highest wisdom.

Virgo is the light that fuses the personality and soul. It is the sign of earthly wisdom and the well-achieved balance of the mind, heart, body, and spirit.

Mercury absolutely loves being in Virgo, the ultimate perfectionist that aligns our thoughts to a higher octave. This transit gives us the ability to be more attentive, focused, and detailed oriented toward our goals.

There is so much wisdom to extract from every moment–wisdom that will allow you to let go and elevate to higher ground. The more you judge or criticize, is the more you stagnant your growth.

Use Mercury in Virgo to learn how to digest and process your experiences in a healthy way while you make peace with your triggers, and awaken within the depths of your heart.

Week of August 15th, 2021

A Time for the Highest Realization of the Mirrored Self

Hold on tight for an electrifying week as Venus returns home in Libra on August 16th and Uranus stations retrograde on the 19th.

With Venus traveling through Libra until September 10th, we gain a deeper awareness that every connection we form is our higher self’s decision to learn life and itself better.

Libra is the light of balance within creation and physical power. When in her home sign, Venus thrives on balance, freedom, and harmony. This conversation has the potential to deepen and strengthen our primary relationships while balancing your social energies with ease and grace.

To do so, you must confront past situations where you backed down on your needs to please others. Maybe you used dependency to enhance your self-worth or made decisions based on how others felt.

It’s important to learn that creating and maintaining a harmonious relationship does not mean you place your needs on the backburner. Self-worth should not be scaled depending on your relationship status, your bank account, or clothes.

Scale your self-worth by the love, peace, and harmony you radiate.

Uranus stations retrograde 14 degrees in Taurus on August 19th. Trapped in a series of eventful T-squares and locked down with Saturn all year, Uranus is ready to shed and transform old worn-out ways.

Before you start worrying about another retrograde, you must first understand that a retrograde is a natural planetary cycle and sacred law of the universe. They are great times to reset, realign, rework, rewrite, reimagine, revisit, or reinvent something in your life–a chance to take stock of past actions and how that karma may impact your future, and what you can do to generate positive karma and a healthy outcome.

This isn’t your typical Mercury drama. This is a chance to change your life for the better–a 5 1/2 month period to make a difference both personally and globally!

Grounded in Taurus, Uranus asks us to continue to fight against the limiting beliefs and the negative mindset of the old system. Uranus respects the fact tradition is needed. It is valuable, rewarding, and a part of many cultures.

But new innovating ways need to take root in the new Earth.

The biggest issue we continue to fight is race. Taurus reminds us, we are all petals on one lotus flower. All spheres on the tree of life and the houses in the astrological wheel. We may be different, but we are on the same flower, and when we come together in positive ways, we create a healthier and more sustainable planet.

You might want to check out: The Complete Guide to 2021 Retrogrades

Week of August 22nd, 2021

A Time for A Star Opening in the Heart

Early Sunday morning in the Northern hemisphere, August’s Full Moon peaks 29 degrees in Aquarius. Our north star rises to light the way through new beginnings.

Aquarius is the light that shines on Earth across the seas and the sign of divine spiritual love. The water bearer teaches us how to give back to humanity and become the actual change we want to see, the change that is essential if anything is truly going to shift.

August’s Full Moon forms electrifying conjunction with Jupiter while engaging in a harmonious sextile to the Galactic center. The significance of this Full Moon is important because it activates a deep wave of higher global consciousness. Bringing back the true meaning of enlightenment to our planet.

Aquarius celebrates and respects individuality, teaching us the art of emotional detachment and recognizing that every individual has a sacredness in themselves that leads humanity toward new innovating ways.

The Sun enters Virgo until September 22nd, 2021.

Virgo is the light of perfection that exists in all creation. The virgin mother with the purest heart and force of emotional wisdom. From now until September, the Sun travels through this analytical earth sign, shining a light on opportunities for alignment, purification, and holistic integration.

When the Sun is in Virgo, we learn the power of calibrating the lower body system to become a stronger vehicle for the soul. Virgo shines a light on our external and internal perceptions, allowing us to discriminate and distinguish between the good, the bad, the ugly, the useful, and the unneeded.

This is a motivating time that urges you to find practical outlets for your abilities, skills, and talents, helping you fine-tune your relationships and other areas of your life.

Virgo wants to clean up the mess from previous seasons, take what’s important, and put it to use. When we connect back with our inner compass, we remember that we are whole and complete within ourselves.

Virgo season is the energy we need to remind us of our wholeness and the beauty of our imperfections. Start peeling back the layers of shame, fear, or guilt. Free yourself from regrets and move on.

Avoid criticism, nit-picking, and cold behavior. Seeing your own faults grants you more compassion toward others. Clean up the mess, digest, and have fun this Virgo season. You are being of the greatest service to humanity when you are taking care and being of service to yourself.

It’s time to make a deeper commitment with your daily routines and normal practices to stay grounded and balanced.

Happy Virgo Season!

Looking to celebrate Virgo Season? Find joy in: 10 Comforting Virgo Season Affirmations For Your Zodiac Sign

Week of August 29th, 2021

A Time for Reconciling Misunderstandings

August finishes out with the Sun squaring the Nodes, the Moon in Gemini, and Mercury entering Libra, the sign of adjustment, intellect, relationships, and balance, preparing for the final retrograde of 2021 on September 27th.

During this cycle, Mercury reveals an even deeper truth and tests our willingness to look in the mirror to see the intimate relationship we hold with ourselves, others, and our planet.

Mercury in Libra represents us achieving mental and emotional balance, radiating light, love, harmony, and inner peace.

Don’t be scared to express your opinions for fear of offending others.

Sometimes, that same fear can easily throw your nervous system off balance and create anxiety and stress. Speak your truth and shine your light! Mercury is comfortable in Libra. Use this to your advantage to heal wounds caused by arguments or misunderstandings with others.

Energy Tips for August

August symbolizes holistic integration and refinement. Moving beyond serving the ego and toward serving the soul. Carefully tending to your own well-being is being of greater service to the world. Your overall health matters, and it’s important to set a daily practice for yourself.

This month’s oracle card is Rising Sun, brought to you by the “Isis Oracle.”

This card serves as confirmation that a dark phase and struggle is over. Divine solar child, you are reborn. The journey may seem rough, but it ultimately guides us down the spiritual birth canal and back into love, our highest expression.

Time to celebrate life and honor your divine light. This is your cosmic baby shower, and the universe is bearing gifts. Happiness, enjoyment, inspiration, and new opportunities are here. Bask in the fruits of your labor.

Use this month to:

  • Watch the sunrise

  • Create a healthy eating plan

  • Make your sacred practice a daily commitment

  • Find time to play, engage in movement, and feed your inner child

Enjoy the sweetness of this new spiritual dawn. Happy August!

Source: astrologyanswers.com

Source: https://oranumcoupons.com/blog/the-essential-august-energy-forecast/
