Are you ready for a week of emotional release followed by blissed-out balance? Then scoot over and make room for the stars and their plans because they’ve got some big ones in store for you this week!
We have two major transits rolling in this week, starting right on September 20th with a Full Moon in dreamy, imaginative Pisces. The Full Moon is the time of the month to release anything pain, overwhelming emotion, bad habit, or toxic relationship that may have had a hold on you during the previous lunar cycle. And Pisces is a Water sign, so you can bet that emotions will be big this Full Moon.
That means it’s time to let go of that grudge you’ve been holding onto or the mild TikTok addiction that’s keeping you up into the wee hours of the morning. Releasing this baggage makes room for new opportunities and unexpected abundance. The Full Moon is also the time to practice gratitude for the blessings received during the previous cycle!
Then, on September 22nd, the Sun moves into Libra marking the beginning of luscious Libra season! Libra is airy, bright, intellectual, and above all else balanced. This Air sign ushers in an astrological season of themes surrounding communication, creativity, original thought, and harmony.
During Libra season, you may have an easier time negotiating and compromising with others – there’s one benefit of that equilibrium this sign is so well-known form. Further, ruled by luxurious Venus – the planet of love and beauty – Libra asks us to lighten up, smell the roses, and appreciate the beauty of the world around us.
If the hard-working, meticulous energy of Virgo season left you feeling a little frazzled, you can count on the Full Moon to help you let any frustration go, while Libra season swoops in just around to corner to slow the pace down a bit and encourage balance – especially the balance between work and play.
September 20 – September 26 is a Week to Let Go & Harmonize
The Full Moon is like a big, round cup just ready to overflow with light - or in our case, emotions. That’s why a Full Moon ritual can be so exhilarating and healing, it gives you the perfect opportunity to name those things that are weighing you down and set them free from your spirit. That sense of freedom is followed by a season of lighthearted, harmonized vibes.
Pour out those big feelings and drink in the mellow Libra waters. Shed the weight of anything that held you down during the last lunar cycle, take a day to rest, and then get ready to practice balancing self-care to enjoy the more relaxed tone of Libra season.
If you aren’t sure what needs to be released for you this Full Moon, a personalized astrological reading can help shine a light on the things that might be holding you back now.
Planetary Locations During 20 – September 26, 2021
Sun: Virgo (August 22, 2021 – September 22, 2021), Libra (September 22, 2021 – October 23, 2021)
Mercury: Libra (August 30, 2021 – November 5, 2021)
Venus: Scorpio (September 10, 2021 – October 7, 2021)
Mars: Libra (September 14, 2021 – October 30, 2021)
Jupiter: Aquarius (July 28, 2021 – December 28, 2021)
Saturn: Aquarius (December 17, 2020 – March 7, 2023)
Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
Pluto: Capricorn (Until January 20, 2024)
Daily Astrology Snapshots for September 20 – September 26, 2021
Monday, September 20
Virgo – Virgo season unwinds, and you may feel that last push of productive, grounded energy. Take advantage of this energy while it lasts and go get things done!
Pisces - Pisces might amplify emotions today, but creativity, intuition, and imagination are also heightened. Let that intuitive center guide you toward a fulfilling and healing creative expression.
Astrological Aspect
Full Moon in Pisces - This Full Moon may feel even more palpable (read: emotional) because it’s in the sign of Pisces, but that gives you the perfect opportunity to experience those emotions fully and release them completely.
A Full Moon ritual is perfect for healing emotions and releasing negativity today.
Read next: Your Must-Read Lunar Energy Check-In
Tuesday, September 21
Aries - The Aries Moon offers zest and passion, helping you feel more adventurous and assertive. Do something creative that ignites the flame within.
Astrological Aspect
Moon in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius - Saturn brings some productive energy, particularly if you feel a sense of excitement about the task before you. Try to infuse your work with a bit of fun to get things done today!
Wednesday, September 22
Libra - Libra season is here! Get creative, tap into your inner negotiator, focus on compromise, and remember the Libra scales.
Astrological Aspect
The Sun enters Libra - Creativity abounds with the onset of Libra season.
Thursday, September 23
Taurus - You might feel more grounded and relaxed when the Moon is in Taurus, making it easier to deal with stressful situations. Spending time outdoors amplifies that relaxed vibration even further.
Astrological Aspect
Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus - Emotional drama or tensions in relationships is possible during this transit. Balance the Heart chakra to promote more understanding and compassion during interactions with others.
Friday, September 24
Saturday, September 25
Astrological Aspect
Mars in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius - You feel more ambitious and tenacious today, able to face even the most difficult tasks. Don’t be afraid to go follow your passion or seek a challenge.
Sunday, September 26
Gemini - The Gemini Moon is stimulating and social, meaning you may feel more like engaging in witty and interesting conversations today. Catch up with a friend!
Astrological Aspect
Moon in Gemini trine Mars in Libra - Intuition is fierce, courage is at an all-time high, your charisma is off the charts during this transit. Be bold and put yourself out there.
What’s up in the stars today? Check your free Daily Horoscope - here on Astrology Answers! Did this overview resonate with you? Get another astrologer’s take on this week’s astrology forecast.
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